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What is thinness and how to treat it

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What is thinness and how to treat it

What is the thinness and how to treat it?

Thinness is a little or a lot less than the normal rate. If a person is healthy, energetic, and active, there is no fear for him. One of the famous English doctors said about the skinny child that if he is active, mobile, and lively, then there is no fear for him, and this group of people are the ones who live even though they eat little, and the phenomenon of thinness among these people is considered a natural phenomenon. But if he is inactive, dull, and sick, then in such a case he must be referred to a doctor because there must be a pathological cause that led to the occurrence of thinness.

To find out whether a person is thin, especially for adolescents, young adults, adults, and the elderly, there is a simple and easy rule. This weight belongs to anyone with a height of more than 120 cm. The rule here is that we subtract 100 cm from the height, so the remaining amount is the correct weight appropriate for the person and is calculated in kilograms. His height is 170 cm, then his weight will be 170-100 = 70 kg. If he is less than that weight, for example, he will be thin. And thinness arises mainly from malnutrition, but genetics plays an important and large role. The truth is that some are thin because they come from a family whose members are all thin, and we must know that malnutrition does not mean they lack the amount a person eats, but what is meant by malnutrition is that a person does not eat a variety of foods that contain appropriate amounts of vitamins, salts, proteins, and starches.

personal emotions, anxiety, and troubles have a role in low appetite. Also, thinness may be the source of continuous diarrhea in a person as a result of the presence of parasites and intestinal worms, which do not work with proper nutrition or medicines. Therefore, laboratory and clinical tests must be conducted to ensure that these substances are not present in the intestine.

Also, thinness may be a result of depression caused by addiction to alcohol and some drugs, or a symptom of some diseases that spoil the body's chemical processes. The disorders of the body, thyroid gland, endocrine glands, and diseases of the stomach and intestines have a role in the emergence of thinness. There are also serious diseases that cause significant weight loss, such as cancer, tuberculosis, and AIDS.

Symptoms of thinness:

Its symptoms include a pale face - dry skin - hair loss - dark circles around the eyes - headache, dizziness, malnutrition, hormonal problems, or some organic and psychological diseases. A person who is tense, anxious, and nervous cannot gain weight no matter how much food he eats unless he overcomes psychological problems and gets rid of From tension and nervousness and giving his body a right of rest and relaxation, physical and psychological comfort is the basis in the beginning for the treatment of thinness

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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