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What is a triglyceride test?

Full review What is a triglyceride test


What is a triglyceride test

What is a triglyceride test?

Food provides our bodies with many important elements and materials for its construction, growth, and supply of energy needed to carry out its daily activities. Human food must be balanced and contain all nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, and fats, and all these materials must be eaten by a person in quantities. Specific, because a large increase in any of these substances leads to a lot of health problems in the body, and the most important of these substances is fat.

fat starts

Humans usually get two types of fats: vegetable fats, which are obtained from vegetable oils, and animal fats, which are obtained from dairy and full-fat milk products, as well as fatty animal foods. Although fats are of great importance to the body, being the source that supplies the body with energy. And the insulator for our bodies is from high or low temperatures, and it also enters the composition of cells and some parts of the body, but it poses a great danger to human life because of health problems and diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and other diseases.

But the fats in our bodies have many types, some of them are harmful to the body and some are useful, so what are the types of fats found in the body?

What is a triglyceride test

Types of fats

1. Cholesterol: It is obtained from fatty animal foods, such as meat, eggs, dairy products, and full-fat cheese.

2. High-density lipids: Oma is called good cholesterol, which is beneficial for the body and protects the heart.

3. Low-density fats: They are called bad cholesterol, and these fats are harmful to the body because they are deposited on the walls of blood vessels and work to block them.

Monounsaturated and unsaturated fats: These fats are beneficial to the body because they reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, and we get them from vegetable oils.

5. Poly and unsaturated fats: They are useful fats for the body as well, as they work to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, and we get them from some types of seeds such as sunflower seeds.

6. Saturated fats: They are harmful fats in the body because they increase the proportion of bad cholesterol in the body, and we get them from hydrogenated oils.

7. Triglycerides: They are fats in the blood and may lead to heart disease, and perhaps these fats are the most dangerous types of fats in the body, so we will talk about them in this article, so what are triglycerides?


Triglycerides are organic compounds consisting of glycerides and three fatty acid groups, and these fats constitute a great source of energy storage, and triglycerides move through the blood and are stored in fat cells, and triglycerides are found in both vegetable fats and animal fats.

The dangers of high triglycerides

And the high percentage of triglycerides raises the risks that threaten human health, so what are these risks? The increase in triglycerides is a major indicator of the deterioration of the body’s health, as it is one of the biggest causes of coronary artery disease, and also causes atherosclerosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and the resulting complications. It may also lead to strokes, heart attacks, chronic kidney failure, and in the long run it affects the nervous system. Therefore, foods containing triglycerides should be reduced and periodic examinations should be carried out to measure the percentage of these fats in the body because they risk human health, But what is a triglyceride analysis?

Triglycerides analysis

Triglyceride analysis is a simple blood test by which the level of triglycerides in the blood is measured. Doctors recommend that this test be done every five years at least, starting from the age of 20. As for people who suffer from heart disease, they must do this test several times Consider consulting a doctor.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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