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5 nutritious foods that you must add to breakfast meals in Ramadan

5 nutritious foods that you must add to breakfast meals in Ramadan

5 nutritious foods that you must add to breakfast meals in Ramadan

5 nutritious foods that you must add to breakfast meals in Ramadan

Most people break their fast with dates and water or yogurt, but there are a variety of other nutritious foods to include in your Ramadan Iftars. Choose meals rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins to maintain muscle mass and plenty of fluids (mostly water) to maintain hydration. In the following lines, we will present to you the five most important foods to break your fast.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese:

Cottage cheese is ideal because it has already been fermented, facilitating digestion while providing an excellent dose of protein to keep you full and reduce the likelihood of sweets and cake before your next meal.

Peeled white fish

Peeled white fish:

Choose proteins that are easy to digest such as peeled white fish, especially during Ramadan when you have been fasting for a long time. Meat or poultry is a great source of protein but it can be difficult for your body to digest if you haven't eaten it for several hours.

Unsalted nuts

Unsalted nuts:

Nuts are rich in nutritional content, healthy fats and proteins among many other things. Nuts are one of the best sources of protein and are a great way to breakfast as they are a rich source of low-carb protein.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar:

When it comes to health, this is the new baby that many have been waiting for, with huge health benefits. This new super drink enhances overall health in many ways; It balances out the alkaline pH levels, most of the time we are more acidic than alkaline due to a bad diet, it also kills the bad bacteria in the gut, so it is better to mix it with a small amount of apple juice.



When fasting, you may deplete some nutrients and vitamins, and spinach is full of them: Vitamin A, C, K1, folic acid, iron and calcium, they should be added to your breakfast table to increase nutrients and vitamins in a healthy and natural way.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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