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Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

i details Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

While the main cause of insomnia is related to our mental health, a lot of research suggests that a lack of certain nutrients can also be a cause of this troublesome condition.

Sleep expert Mary Grace Taylor, of Amerisleep, explains that while many struggle to get enough sleep, seven to eight hours of sleep each night, there are a series of lifestyle choices that pile up together and cause us to experience fluctuations and sleep deprivation. .

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

And she continued, "You probably know that staying away from caffeine in the few hours before bedtime can greatly increase your odds of getting a good night's sleep, but good sleep isn't just about avoiding the wrong foods or drinks. Certain foods can actually help you sleep. better and prevents you from feeling anxious at night."

Taylor recommended eating a handful of nuts, Brazil nuts, to help you sleep.

"This is one of the best sources of selenium, a micronutrient that sleep-deprived people lack. These nuts also contain minerals like phosphorous and magnesium. Brazil nuts are especially beneficial for vegetarians, as most other selenium sources are animal-based," she said.

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

And health advice website Healthline backs it up, saying, "Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium. One ounce, or about six to eight walnuts, contains about 544 micrograms of selenium."

However, Taylor cautioned, "Be sure to eat a serving of Brazil nuts a few times a week to avoid selenium toxicity."

The human body does not need excessive amounts of selenium, as for the average adult, it only requires about 55 micrograms per day. While pregnant women need between 60 and 70 micrograms of selenium.

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

In addition to aiding sleep, selenium has other health properties. It can help with DNA synthesis, reproduction, and metabolism of thyroid hormone, and protect against infection.

Other sources of selenium include oysters, beef, turkey, fortified cereals, whole meal bread, beans, lentils and eggs.

Nuts can help stave off a problem often associated with mental health

Some signs of a selenium deficiency include:

  • Hair loss in lumps

  • Deformation of nails and skin
  • Itchy scalp or dandruff
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Brain fog
  • Muscle weakness
  • Weak immune system
  • Infertility problems

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