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The benefits of fruit peels are unexpected

The benefits of fruit peels are unexpected.... discover them

The benefits of fruit peels are unexpected.... discover them

The benefits of fruit peels are unexpected.... discover them


Many benefits and many secrets lie in fruit peels, where the unique therapeutic and aesthetic recipes, we offer you a set of simple and magical recipes inspired by the benefits of fruit peels. We hope you like it.

The benefits of dates are unlimited

Pomegranate peel

Pomegranate peel

Pomegranate peel has many benefits for the digestive system, skin, and hair, from which we choose its aesthetic benefit to lighten the skin, and we offer you the following recipe for skin lightening


A spoonful of ground pomegranate peel powder

A spoonful of ground yellow lentils

A spoonful of ground fenugreek

pinch of salt

Two tablespoons of natural honey

How to prepare

Mix all ingredients together to obtain a homogeneous spreadable mixture.

How to use:

Spread the mixture on the skin.

Leave for half an hour before washing it off with cold water.

Wipe the skin with rose water.

Banana peel

Banana peel

Many people may not know the number of benefits that lie in banana peels, specifically the inner side of the crust, when applying banana peels immediately after peeling them from the inside on the head for a quarter of an hour, which greatly contributes to relieving migraine. As previously used by the inhabitants of the Bahamas since ancient times to treat high blood pressure by drinking boiled banana peel.

But speaking of the aesthetic side, banana peels can be used to whiten your teeth


  The teeth are rubbed well with a fresh banana peel as soon as it is peeled from the inside, so the materials and elements available in the peel, such as potassium and magnesium, contribute to whitening the teeth.

Lemon peel

Lemon peel

Lemon peel is characterized by its refreshing scent, in addition to being sterile, and most importantly, it can be used aesthetically to lighten some dark places in the body, such as the elbows, for example.

Also, lemon peel is considered a mouth sanitizer and gives the mouth a refreshing scent, but a small piece of it must be eaten because it is strong and its abundance may harm the protective layer of the teeth.

For a glow, drinking a small cup of boiled lemon peel half an hour after eating contributes to ridding the body of excess fat.

Cucumber peel

Cucumbers and their peel have significant benefits for the digestive system, but aesthetically, its benef their are related to maintaining the skin's skin's health, elasticity and vitaland elasticitysiest way to benefit from cucumber peel is to use it directly on the face so that the inner side of the peel is in contact with the skin.

It is beneficial for the skin and ilso hhelpfulfin or the area around the eyes. Cucumber is one of the safest ingredients for the eyes. It can be used on the eyes while relaxing after a stressful and tiring day in front of a computer screen. It relaxes the skin, reduces puffiness and reduces dark circles.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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