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4 ways to use fennel seeds to lose weight

4 ways to use fennel seeds to lose weight.. Get to know them
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4 ways to use fennel seeds to lose weight

4 ways to use fennel seeds to lose weight.. Get to know them

Everyone's weight loss journey is unique, and while regular exercise and a healthy diet together help achieve weight loss goals, it's not always appropriate for everyone to stick to an exercise routine, and making simple but effective changes to your lifestyle can go a long way. One of these changes is the regular consumption of fennel seeds. They are a great way to lose weight and are found in almost every home, according to the Times of India report.

Following are the health benefits of consuming fennel seeds:

Fennel seeds have multiple health benefits that include, improving digestion, metabolism, and promoting healthy hair and skin. Fennel seeds also help eliminate toxins from the body, due to their diuretic properties, and are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals, and relieve oxidative stress in the body. Which can cause diabetes and obesity.

Besides, consuming fennel seeds regularly helps in losing weight. Here are 4 ways in which you can consume fennel seeds daily:

fennel seed powder

Take a handful of fennel seeds and grind them properly. Add this powder to your baked goods to add a great flavor. Dried fennel seed powder can also be added to ingredients like fenugreek seeds and desserts to boost digestion, especially if taken daily, thanks to its enzyme-releasing compounds. that promote digestion.

Add fennel seeds to the water

Eating fennel seeds with water is a common practice that is mostly done to relieve stomach cramps and improve digestion. Just take a handful of fennel seeds and soak them in a glass filled with water, leave them overnight, and have them in the morning. This drink enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body and thus helps To lose weight, be sure to drink two cups of fennel water, one in the morning and one in the evening, as it is a great remedy for losing fat.

fennel seed tea

Making tea from fennel seeds is not a complicated or time-consuming task and can be taken daily for best results, just add a tablespoon of fennel seeds while boiling water, and enjoy in the evening.

Roasted fennel seeds

Take a tablespoon of fennel seeds and roast them over low heat, as it produces a good aroma. Adding some ingredients in this way improves digestion and reduces cravings for sweets. You can also grind roasted fennel seeds into a powder and consume it daily.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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