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Benefits seating on the floor while eating

Benefits seating on the floor while eating
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Benefits seating on the floor while eating

Benefits seating on the floor while eating

Sitting on the floor while eating helps to improve the posture of the body, and because you are sitting in a squatting position, this helps the heart to pump blood and circulate to other parts of the body, in this report, we learn about 6 reasons why sitting on the ground has health benefits, according to the “Health” website. ".


1. Helps lose weight

Weight gain is usually triggered by overeating or when you fail to burn off the calories you consume and the key to losing weight is to focus on every aspect of the food you eat - like how much you eat and the smell and taste of food.

Sitting on the floor and eating meals helps the vagus nerve send signals from the stomach to the brain whether your stomach is full or not. This is why you eat slower and can prevent eating too much.

2. Improves blood circulation


When you sit on the ground, the blood circulation in the feet decreases, and the extra blood begins to move through the heart to other organs, which increases the activity required for digestion. This directs blood circulation to your feet, as opposed to sitting on the floor.

3. Promotes digestion


While sitting and eating on the floor, bending forward and back to the original position helps release digestive juices.

It is believed that when a person squats on the floor to eat a meal, it sends a signal to the brain to prepare the body for digestion.

4. Improve body posture


It is really important to maintain correct posture while eating. Correct posture while eating will help reduce the chances of excessive stress on your muscles, joints, knee, back, neck and hands. Your posture while sitting on the floor is automatically corrected, keeping your back straight, elongating your spine, and pushing your shoulder back - ignoring all the fatigue, aches, and pains.

5. Improve flexibility


Squatting can bring benefits in the level of your body flexibility because sitting on the floor helps the knees, hips, spine, chest, and ankles to stretch and the body becomes stronger and more flexible.

6. Improves focus


Sitting on the floor improves your concentration and is an ideal place to meditate. Eating while sitting on the floor makes you more attentive to the act of eating and this can increase the flow of oxygen in the body.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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