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5 disadvantages of sitting for a long time

5 disadvantages of sitting for a long time Full report
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5 disadvantages of sitting for a long time

5 disadvantages of sitting for a long time

Believe it or not, prolonged sitting can have negative consequences on our bodies, which is why taking energizing breaks is essential to avoid some health problems, according to a report on the French website Améliore ta Santé.

Sometimes we do tasks that require us to sit quietly for a long time, and working at the computer, being at reception or watching TV, among other things, is not good for our body and we may get sick or feel uncomfortable.

If you spend many hours of the day sitting, it's important to take some precautions. This way, you can enjoy a healthy life and avoid long-term consequences.

Sitting for a long time causes bad posture for our spine (Pixabi)

Sitting for a long time causes bad posture for our spine (Pixabi)

What harm can we do to ourselves from sitting too long?

1- Obesity

Lack of physical activity promotes weight gain. When you have a sedentary lifestyle, the number of calories you consume is always greater than the number you burn. This causes the appearance of body fat. Obesity also increases the risk of problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

2- Spinal deviation

Sitting for a long time causes poor posture of our spine. If we do not sit properly, the curvature of the spine can occur.

3- Muscular atrophy

When you sit for a long time, and this bad habit is repeated daily, you may develop muscle atrophy, due to the lack of movement of muscles and joints. That's why it's important to keep moving during your workday.

4- Poor blood circulation in the legs

Another complication that arises from sitting too long is circulation problems. In severe cases, a blockage in one of the veins, or what is known as venous thrombosis, can occur.

Poor blood circulation in the legs promotes the appearance of varicose veins. It also causes fluid retention in the legs and ankles. This is why it is important to maintain the movement of the lower extremities and change position frequently.

5- Constipation

Bowel movement is also affected by prolonged sitting, and our constant movement aids digestion. Poor digestion can lead to changes in your metabolism, and this causes constipation. If you find it difficult to go to the toilet regularly, it is best not to sit for a long time so that your problem does not worsen.

What can be done to avoid damages?

Practice the following habits:

  • If you work mostly sitting, always take activity periods, you can do this every half hour or every hour.
  • After eating do not sit but walk.
  • Tighten your muscles and joints regularly.
  • Exercise at least 4 times a week.
  • Try not to use a car or other means of transportation for short distances, it is better to walk.
  • If you have to sit for long periods in front of a computer, make sure it is always at eye level.

By following these simple recommendations, you will feel better. Keep in mind that even if you're exercising, it's still essential that you don't sit for too long.

At first, it may be hard to take breaks and get active, and you can set an alarm on your phone. 

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