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Do not look for rapid weight loss

Do not look for rapid weight loss may cost you your health.. Know the healthy ways to diet
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Do not look for rapid weight loss

Do not look for rapid weight loss may cost you your health.. Know the healthy ways to diet

 Rapid weight loss systems may cause many health risks, so nutrition experts advise to stay away from fast diet systems that help in losing weight in a short time, because they have harmful effects later, and you may gain weight again more than you were, and in this The report learns about healthy ways to lose weight and the risks of a quick diet, according to the "Health" website.


What is the correct way to lose weight?

Adequate daily protein intake is essential through your diet, so that there is no excessive loss of muscle mass.

Most people follow a fast diet and thus end up with health problems. For those looking to lose fat, losing 2-3 kg of weight every month is a good goal.


Here are some tips for healthy weight loss:

1. The diet should include lentils, beans, low-fat dairy products, egg whites and lean meats.

2. Avoid fried foods and sugar completely.

3. Eat vegetables or salads with a low-fat dressing.

4. Hydrate well and drink water and fluids.

5. Take a vitamin and mineral supplement, if necessary.

6. Your weight loss process should always be supervised by a dietitian.


Health risks caused by rapid weight loss

Your body undergoes several changes, in the case of rapid weight loss:

1. Hair loss:

Most of us lose about 50-100 hairs a day, but if you lose weight severely, it can be more severe. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this is caused by a lack of certain essential nutrients such as iron, zinc and protein.

2. Irritability

Rapid weight loss can make you feel very uncomfortable, which in turn makes you feel jittery. This may be largely due to the severe restrictions on carbohydrates in your diet, and also because you are depriving yourself of your favorite foods, which has a psychological effect.

3. Mineral imbalance:

Losing a lot of weight can cause an imbalance of minerals in your body, and if something happens in your body it can cause irregular heartbeats, seizures, and muscle weakness.

4. The menstrual cycle can be affected

Extreme weight loss can change your hormones, affect your menstrual cycle, and may disrupt your period.

Bariatric surgery is a safe and effective treatment for people who have other underlying health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

In such cases, surgery is recommended even at low weight, and since all patients are under close supervision, weight loss after bariatric surgery is gradual and undernourishment is not unheard of in these patients.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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