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The most important vitamins to increase focus and strengthen memory

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The most important vitamins to increase focus and strengthen memory

The most important vitamins to increase focus and strengthen memory

Does your child suffer from memory problems and lack of focus, especially near exams? What if we told you about vitamins to increase focus and memory, which contribute to improving memory and cognitive performance, in addition to preventing any diseases, follow us to the end to see them in detail.


1. Vitamins to increase focus and memory

1.1. Vitamin E

1.2. Vitamin D

1.3. Vitamin A

1.4. B vitamins

1.5. Vitamin C

2. Feedback

Vitamins to increase focus and memory

Who does not want to have a strong memory and good mental health! Of course, we all wish that, and this will only come through a healthy balanced diet, or mind refreshing courses, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and interacting with others to gain new experiences, which helps you strengthen the brain, organize thoughts, and many other ways.

In addition, your mental health can be supported by a whiff of some vitamins to increase focus and memory, which have a great effect in achieving the best results in strengthening memory, while at the same time making up for what your diet lacks, but before thinking about consuming these vitamins, it is necessary to consult a specialist To find out if you need them in the first place, and determine the right dose second, now is the time to mention the most prominent and effective ones:

Vitamins to supply memory and memory

Vitamin E

One of the most prominent vitamins to increase focus and memory that helps strengthen memory and enhance brain health for both children and the elderly alike, and some scientific studies have proven that taking vitamin E regularly has a vital role in reducing the risk of an imbalance or weakness in short- and long-term memory It acts as a powerful antioxidant.
It can be derived from certain foods including salmon, kiwi, almonds, sunflower seeds, broccoli, and olive oil.

Vitamin D

It has been proven that a large group suffers from vitamin D deficiency at different age stages, and this may be due to the lack of exposure to beneficial sunlight, or its inclusion in the diet in sufficient quantities, whatever the reason. As early as the mother's encounter with some learning difficulties and poor memory in her children.
From this point of view, consuming it in the form of capsules or including it in the child’s diet is an absolute necessity, as it is necessary to obtain the recommended amount of 10%, and the good thing here is that there are multiple sources of vitamin D, including egg yolk, liver, salmon, mackerel, cod liver oil, and also do not forget to expose to the sun among the ways to get vitamin D naturally, and if it is necessary to take it as a pill, it must be after consulting a specialist.

Vitamins to increase focus

Vitamin A

This vitamin contains antioxidants that enhance brain function, strengthen memory, and the ability to speed memorization. Vitamin A includes retinoic acid, beta-carotene, and retinoids, all of which are active oxidizing compounds, which achieve the greatest benefit on the cognitive performance of children and prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s for the elderly, but they must Consuming it in the long term and in specific doses, because its excessive intake may have severe effects such as lung cancer, and vitamin A can be derived from dairy products, liver, eggs, and fish, and this is the best option to avoid any negative damages.

B vitamins

The group of B vitamins is usually related to mental health and enhances cognition and the ability to focus, the most famous of which are B6, B12, and B9, which is called folic acid, this group may contribute significantly to reducing homocysteine ​​levels in the brain, which, if increased than normal, increases the chances of infection In some mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, it also helps improve brain function by producing the energy needed to develop new brain cells.
If you suffer from a severe deficiency of these vitamins, it can be consumed through nutritional supplements, most people derive sufficient amounts of it through certain foods such as dark vegetables, legumes, seafood, eggs, and meat.

Vitamin C

Being a mother, you may find that your little one suffers a lot from lack of focus and poor ability to memorize and remember well, but leave it alone, and know that vitamin C is a vitamin that treats attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders.
Try in various ways to include it naturally in your son’s diet and get it from turnips, red peppers, or citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and if you need to eat additional quantities, it can be consumed in the form of pills.
Increase concentration with vitamins


Why spend so much on yourself and buy supplements or vitamins to boost focus and memory? Although there is the best way and the trend towards natural ways that can support your brain health or enhance your memory such as a proper diet, I see that it does not cost you much if you follow healthy habits patterns including a healthy balanced diet, you will protect yourself from the risk of any imbalance in You have cognitive abilities or lack of focus and poor long-term memory.
In conclusion… Although the list of vitamins to increase focus and memory that we mentioned earlier and prescribed by doctors, is not the end of cognitive decline and poor memory and concentration, consuming a moderate amount of them may reduce symptoms, especially the elderly who suffer from Alzheimer’s or any mental problems Other, do not neglect healthy habits such as a healthy diet, good sleep patterns or light exercise, stay healthy.

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