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Vitamins that gain weight fast

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vitamins that gain weight fast

Vitamins that gain weight fast

vitamins that gain weight fast

A person aspires to obtain the ideal weight for his body, by increasing his weight or losing excess weight, and this is done through exercising and following a specific diet by nutrition experts, and they also resort to the use of vitamins and nutritional supplements, as vitamins work when increasing their quantity in the human body to open appetite and reduce metabolism, which leads to the promotion of a healthy diet that stimulates the body to gain more weight safely and easily. Among these vitamins are:

Vitamin B: The appetizing compound found in yeast, liver, meat, bananas, and tomato juice.

Thiamine: or the so-called vitamin B1, is found in grains such as black rice and meat, and the vitamin works to open the appetite and thus increase weight. Experts also recommend taking the vitamin by 1.2 grams in men, and in a smaller amount in women by taking 1.1 grams of it.

Vitamin E: present in peanuts, in addition to protein, fat, and folic acid, peanuts are currently used in the form of butter, as a tablespoon of it contains a hundred calories, which makes it an excellent meal for people who seek to gain weight naturally.

Vitamin A & D: found in whole milk in addition to proteins, as a person gains sixty calories when drinking a cup of whole milk.

Vitamin C: found in potatoes in addition to proteins, starches, and carbohydrates that work together to gain weight easily and quickly, and vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron.

Vitamin D: It is found in fish and eggs and is taken from sunlight, and works to open the appetite, and the desire to eat food in larger quantities.

 Other nutrients that increase weight

Insulin: We work to increase the level of insulin in the body by increasing the level of sugar, by eating quantities of starches and sugars, which increase the stock of calories in the form of muscles and fat in the human body, and it is usually recommended that starches and sugars be taken after exercise until we increase of body weight faster.

Creatine: It is widely circulated among athletes to increase their muscle activity, as it is absorbed by the muscles of the body, thus increasing its effort, growth, and inflation, thus increasing body weight. Muscles swell, we get creatine from fish or meat, or through pure keratin powder that increases the desired results. 

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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