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Foods that are forbidden on an empty stomach

10 foods and drinks that should not be taken on an empty stomach
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Foods that are forbidden on an empty stomach

10 foods and drinks that should not be taken on an empty stomach

Some of us feel pain and health problems, without knowing that the reason is eating forbidden foods on an empty stomach, and they may not believe that despite containing health benefits and natural nutrients, they may lead to some side effects on health.


1. Foods that are forbidden on an empty stomach

1.1. spicy foods

1.2. Yogurt

1.3. tomatoes

1.4. fruit juice

1.5. raw vegetables

1.6. citrus fruit

1.7. coffee

1.8. mango

1.9. the banana

1.10. pear

If you get used to eating some of the foods that we will mention in this list, you should stop it immediately because they can cause some unexpected side effects, and the most important of these foods are:

spicy foods

spicy foods

Many people tend to eat spicy foods when they wake up, but without realizing that they can cause heartburn due to the acid reaction in them, eating these foods on an empty stomach can lead to indigestion as well.

Spicy foods also cause discomfort and damage the lining of the gut and negatively affect the kidneys, and these foods are one of the causes of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, and can also cause acne, eczema, and insomnia in addition, they cause a sore throat and affect the voice...



Yogurt is one of the foods prohibited on an empty stomach. Despite its health benefits, it causes an increase in acid in the stomach, because it is rich in lactic acid and causes the killing of beneficial bacteria in it, and thus the person feels heartburn in the stomach.



Eating tomatoes on an empty stomach causes some acids to react in the stomach and not dissolve, which eventually leads to the formation of stones and damage to the kidneys.

Fruit juice

Fruit juice

Although consuming fruit juices is beneficial for the body, it should not be consumed on an empty stomach, as this leads to some problems in the liver due to the excess of fructose in it, and it can also damage the mucous membranes and cause problems related to the digestive system.

Raw vegetables

Raw vegetables

These vegetables should not be eaten on an empty stomach, as they contain fiber that can be a burden on it while empty, because it causes a lot of gas and bloating, so it is preferable to eat it cooked at lunch to maintain the health of the digestive system.

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruit

Eating citrus fruits in the morning, such as oranges, causes an increase in acidity in the body, as they contain fiber and fructose, which leads to a digestive disorder, and they are also filled with a large percentage of citric acid, so they are among foods prohibited on an empty stomach, and the large proportion of fiber and fructose can Which are found in such fruits can slow down the digestive system as well.



Coffee is among the drinks prohibited on an empty stomach, because it increases hydrochloric acid in the digestive system, which exacerbates liver and stomach problems such as bloating, acidity, intestinal inflammation, and colon cancer, and this acid can also cause difficulty in digesting proteins.



It contains a large number of sugars, so it should never be eaten on an empty stomach, as it is easily absorbed once it enters the body and causes high blood sugar, and it can also increase coughing and allergy attacks and exacerbate some skin diseases such as eczema, edema, beriberi, and ulcers, in addition to It, is harmful to the kidneys and causes increased inflammation.



Many of us like to eat bananas, especially for breakfast, but they do not know that this can harm health, as it contains a high percentage of magnesium, which leads to an increase in blood flow quickly and of course negatively affects the heart and eating it can lead to low energy and consumption of a proportion of More sugars than your body needs.



Excessive consumption of pears causes damage to the health of the digestive system, as it slows down the absorption of nutrients in the body, and the high percentage of vitamin C in it leads to some complications such as diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, headache, and heartburn, in addition to containing a large proportion of vitamin E. Which increases the risk of prostate cancer, while the high percentage of vitamin A leads to poor vision, swelling, bone pain, dizziness, and poor appetite.


After we presented you with our article about foods that are forbidden on an empty stomach, we hope that you will like our information on this topic, with a commitment to follow-up and medical advice before eating foods that can harm the body, especially those that affect the digestive system.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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