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E-cigarettes .. Do they threaten heart health?

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E-cigarettes .. Do they threaten heart health

Medical questions about E-cigarettes harm


Since smoking is so bad for the heart, some smokers have hoped that e-cigarettes might provide a heart-healthy alternative. These battery-powered cigarettes are designed like traditional cigarettes, but they emit a vapor that contains nicotine. It gives smokers pleasure when they inhale nicotine without exposing them to the dangers of tobacco smoke. Although e-cigarettes may be less harmful than real cigarettes, they nonetheless carry risks.

 Promises and illusions

 The idea of ​​e-cigarettes seems plausible, as a nicotine processing system intended to help smokers quit smoking or at least reduce health risks after giving up tobacco and its derivatives. Which in theory could look like a good tool.

A study published in the journal "Addiction" showed that the success rate in quitting smoking among people who actually wanted to quit smoking who used electronic cigarettes increased by 60 percent compared to others who used other means to quit smoking, such as gum or a patch. nicotine; However, other studies have come with mixed or ambiguous results about the benefits of e-cigarettes.

Dr. Vaughan Reese, interim director of the Center for Global Research on Tobacco Control at the Harvard School of Public Health, questions the potential of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool. He says: "E-cigarettes are not able to supply nicotine sufficiently to satisfy the cravings of addicted smokers, which does not make them a viable option to quit smoking."

Another danger of these cigarettes is that smokers use them in addition to their use of other tobacco derivatives, delaying their efforts to quit smoking. As long as the lifetime health risks of a smoker from tobacco use are related to the number of years of smoking, and not just to the number of cigarettes smoked, this dual-use will not benefit health at most.

In addition, it is difficult to consider nicotine itself a harmless substance, as it raises blood pressure and speeds up the work of the heart, which may be dangerous for people with coronary artery disease. Dr. Reese warns: “As smoking has become less and less socially acceptable, the frequency of smoking has decreased. The use of e-cigarettes may sabotage these achievements.”

Neglecting the health authorities

 The alarming aspect is that the electronic cigarette industry is actively marketing it among young people, offering offers of its types flavored with fruits and sweets. "Kids who don't think about smoking cigarettes may try e-cigarettes and then they may switch to cigarettes," says Dr. Reese.

Since e-cigarettes are not currently legally regulated or subject to strict standards and specifications, dangerous pollutants, including toxic metals and other carcinogens, may be present in the liquid that manufactures nicotine. In response to these concerns, the FDA announced last April its intention to oversee the regulation of e-cigarette controls. Proposed measures include banning their sale to children, but not the production of flavored cigarettes, nor their online sale. Since these actions may result in the companies producing these cigarettes filing material lawsuits, we will have to wait years before health and safety standards for electronic cigarettes are put into practice.

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