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Eight benefits of persimmons

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Eight benefits of persimmons

Are you a fan of the persimmon fruit, or known to some as the pheromone? Do you know what are the benefits of persimmon? Learn about this and more in the article.

Let's get acquainted with the following about the eight benefits of persimmons and a group of important information about them:

Eight benefits of persimmons

Persimmons are one of the fruits rich in many nutritional benefits, apart from being delicious and sweet, they have many properties that make them a food treasure.

Eight benefits of persimmons

The main benefits of persimmon are as follows:

1. Cancer prevention

Persimmons are rich in anti-carcinogenic elements and substances, they are rich in antioxidants that help the body fight free radicals more effectively, and protect the body in general from many diseases.

In addition, persimmons contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, and some phenolic compounds, which have helped a lot in fighting various types of cancer and malignant tumors.

2. Boost the immune system

Persimmons are one of the fruits that naturally boost the health of the immune system, due to their high content of vitamin C, as one persimmon contains 80% of your daily need for vitamin C.

Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells in general, which are the body's
the main line of defense against microbes, germs, infections, and various infectious diseases.

Eight benefits of persimmons

3. Digestion aid

Like other types of fruits, persimmons are an excellent source of dietary fiber, as one persimmon contains approximately 20% of the body's daily need of fiber, and fiber contributes to the following:

Facilitate the movement of the digestive tract, and the processes of excretion and excretion of waste through the stool.

Increased secretion of digestive enzymes.

Get rid of constipation.

One of the benefits of persimmon is that it may help maintain the health of the digestive system, including protection against colorectal cancer, and persimmon may help you lose weight, by contributing to reducing the body’s absorption of fats from food.

4. Reducing the chances of developing tumors

In addition to the antioxidants that protect against cancers in general, eating persimmons may help you reduce the chances of developing various tumors, because it contains chemical compounds that stimulate the death of tumor cells, so eating persimmons regularly may help reduce the size of tumors in the body.

5. Stop premature aging

Because persimmons are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein, and other compounds and elements that are among the antioxidants, eating them helps reduce the disturbances of internal oxidation processes, the occurrence of which causes premature aging of the body. These disorders are represented in the following matters:

The appearance of wrinkles and spots.

Alzheimer's disease.

Constant tiredness and fatigue.

vision loss;

muscle weakness;

Eight benefits of persimmons

6. Improving eyesight

The nutrients in persimmons have many benefits for the health of eyes and eyes, as persimmons contain zeaxanthin, a member of the B complex family of vitamins.

This substance is directly beneficial to the health of eyesight and eyes, and some studies indicate the role of this substance in reducing the frequency of cell aging and reducing the chances of night blindness.

7. Control of blood pressure

Potassium is one of the important nutrients found in persimmons, and potassium plays a major role in lowering blood pressure, which increases the amount of blood flowing to all parts and regions of the body.

Low blood pressure helps reduce the various stresses that the circulatory system is exposed to daily, which reduces the chances of developing heart and blood diseases.

8. Regulating metabolic processes

Persimmons contain many nutrients that belong to the family of B-complex vitamins, and they also contain large amounts of folic acid and thiamine, substances that are very important in the various metabolic processes in the body.

These nutrients in persimmons also can boost and lift energy levels in the body and sculpt muscles.

Eight benefits of persimmons

Important nutrients in persimmons

The health benefits of persimmons mentioned earlier are due to the richness of persimmons in the following nutrients:

Vitamins, the most important of which are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B6.

Dietary fiber.

Minerals, the most important of which are magnesium, copper, potassium, and phosphorous.

Several important organic compounds belong to the family of B-complex vitamins.

Warnings about persimmons

Due to the ability of persimmon fruit to significantly reduce blood pressure, it is recommended to eat it in moderation without excessive exaggeration, and people with persistently low blood pressure are advised to avoid eating it completely.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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