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Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up

Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up
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Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up

Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up

Processed meat is meat that has been processed and manufactured by adding some carcinogenic substances such as sodium nitrate, which gives a bright color to the meat and keeps it from spoiling. Processed meat also contains large amounts of salt, which contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Processed or cured meats are made by smoking, salting, irradiation, or by adding food preservatives. Processed meat includes many meat products such as:

• sausage

• Luncheon

• pastrami

• cold meats

• Salami

• hot dogs

• Bluebeef

• Sosis

Canned meat

• burger

• pepperoni

The World Cancer Research Fund stated that they had completed an analysis of more than 7000 clinical studies on the relationship between cancer and diet, in which it was found that processed meat is the main cause of cancer in the world. And not only cancer, but the damage of processed meat also extends to include other serious diseases that we will address here.

Health effects of processed meat

1- Overweight and obesity

One of the most important harms of processed meat is to contribute to weight gain and obesity. Processed meat is very high in calories, fat, and salt. This means that eating processed meat sandwiches will increase your calorie and fat intake. Also, the salt in processed meat leads to fluid retention in the body and weight gain. The problem with this main meat is that it is very easy to eat, as it is enough to get several slices of it from the supermarket and to put it between two slices of bread and eat it easily, and this means that a person can eat it in large quantities and very easily.

Worse, this meat is easily available in restaurants that serve it with many unhealthy options such as high-fat cheese, mayonnaise, paprika sauce, and ketchup. This increases its damage significantly in weight gain. People with the habit of eating processed meat are famous for mixing their sandwiches with french fries and soft drinks, which makes matters worse.

2- Cardiovascular disease

One sandwich of natural turkey has at least three times less salt than one sandwich of processed turkey. This leads to an excessive intake of salt. Excess salt leads to serious health problems; Where it is known as white poison. Salt leads to high blood pressure, which weakens blood vessels, and then heart disease and its complications.

3- Diabetes

Several studies have found that nitrates and nitrites found in processed meat reduce insulin secretion in the body, which raises the amount of glucose in the blood. Harvard University scientists recently found that eating processed meat once a day increases the risk of diabetes by 29%.

4- Cancer

Several studies have shown the ability of processed meat to cause various human cancers, especially stomach cancer. A study conducted at the University of Hawaii found that eating processed meat increased the risk of developing pancreatic cancer within 7 years to 67%. Many studies have also found that processed meat rich in carcinogenic sodium nitrate leads to many diseases; Not only cancer but other diseases that lead to premature death among young people. This is compared to fresh meat.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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