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One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

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One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

A scientific study revealed that drinking one glass of orange juice can reduce the risk of developing 7 life-threatening diseases.

In a report published by the British newspaper "The Sun", author Terry Ann Williams said that experts advise not to drink more than 150 milliliters of fruit juice per day, but this amount of orange juice is all you need to reduce inflammation.

The writer stated that chronic inflammation causes serious, often life-threatening diseases, including arthritis, lupus, bowel disease, asthma, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes. A new report, on the effect of subtle inflammation on the immune response, has found that vitamin C in orange juice plays a protective and curative role when it comes to our health.

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

Professor Philip Calder, the co-author of the report and Professor of Nutritional Immunology at the University of Southampton, said: 'Vitamin C reduces inflammation by regulating the production of the inflammation-related cytokine protein, and also increases antibody levels by promoting the growth of T and B lymphocytes, which are types of blood cells. the white matter that drives and directs our immune response.

Vitamin C is available in a variety of foods, such as citrus fruits, peppers, and, even white potatoes, and supplements can be taken if you are not getting enough of this vitamin in your diet. Adults between the ages of 19 and 64 need 40 milligrams of vitamin C per day, but the body cannot store this vitamin, so be sure to add foods that contain it to your daily diet.

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

"Infections can seriously damage our immune systems and this is particularly bad during an epidemic because people with chronic inflammation get worse if they develop symptoms of Covid-19," the author quoted Dr. Carrie Rockston, a nutritionist at the Center for Fruit Juice Science, as saying.

"It is more important than ever for people to know what changes to their diet and lifestyle can make to control inflammation and boost immunity, by drinking a glass of this fruit juice daily," added RockRockstonelavonoids

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

The benefits of orange juice are due to because contains flavonoids, which are polyphenols that help reduce inflammation and improve gut health. There are two distinct flavonoids, "hesperidin and naringenin," Dr. Roxton explained. One benefit of drinking juice instead of eating whole fruit is that the body absorbs flavonoids more efficiently, which is why a glass of juice complements fruits and vegetables in your diet.”

A study published in "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism" found that orange juice reduced inflammation. This study was conducted on women with metabolic syndrome, who were given 500 milligrams of hesperidin daily for 3 weeks. The researchers found that this significantly reduced concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is linked to inflammation, in the blood.

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

The report - prepared by Dr. Roxton and her team - found that many Britons are not aware of the problems that chronic inflammation can cause, with a quarter saying that chronic inflammation affects the body's ability to fight infection, while more than a third indicated that it causes fatigue, while One in three said inflammation can impair metabolism.

orange juice

"There are some simple steps that everyone can take, such as eating 8 servings of vegetables and fruits a day, including a glass of orange juice, reducing stress, and staying away from inflammatory foods rich in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates," Dr. Roxton concluded.

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