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A healthy diet in Ramadan

A healthy diet in Ramadan
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A healthy diet in Ramadan

A healthy diet in Ramadan


Dishes and popular foods vary in Ramadan, and fasting during this month is a great opportunity to get rid of bad eating habits, and an attempt to get used to healthy food; This is done by following a balanced diet by preparing foods that contain all food groups; These include: starches, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and foods rich in protein; such as meat and fish; To provide the body with all its needs of nutrients and fluids within a short period of the day.

It is advised to avoid eating fried foods for breakfast; such as fried chicken, potato chips, samosa, etc., and consume grilled foods instead, which can be prepared in the oven, or use the dry frying method; This is by using a special pan in which food does not stick, or by using a special cooking spray that prevents food from sticking, and it is also advised to avoid foods rich in sugar and fat; Such as sweets, pastries that contain oil, and others,[1] It is worth noting that it is recommended to start drinking plenty of fluids at breakfast and to eat foods that contain natural sugars, and the following are the most important foods that are recommended to be eaten first at breakfast to break the fast:

Liquids: by drinking water, milk and its products, natural fruit juices, or shakes; Water contributes to hydrating the body without providing it with any calories or sugars. It is worth drinking juices that contain milk and fruits as they are a good source of some natural sugars, nutrients, and energy. It is advised to reduce drinks that contain added sugar; This is because it contains a large number of calories and sugar.

Dates: It is considered a popular tradition to start eating them in Ramadan at breakfast since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, because it is considered a rich source of natural sugar, and it also contains several minerals; such as potassium, copper, and manganese, in addition to containing fiber, it should be noted that other types of dried fruits can be eaten; Such as apricots, figs, raisins, and peaches.

Fruits: It is considered a tradition among the people of South Asia, as it provides the body with natural sugars that provide energy, some minerals, and vitamins.

Soup: It is a tradition in many Arab countries. It is a light dish to start with breakfast, and it is usually made of meat broth, and it may contain lentils, beans, or starches; Such as cereals, and pasta, and provides the body with fluids, calories, and nutrients.

A healthy diet in Ramadan

Suhoor meal

The Suhoor meal is considered one of the most important meals during the month of Ramadan, as it provides the body with energy during the day and relieves extreme hunger, headaches, and drowsiness.

Whole grain bread with cheese, or labneh.

Whole-grain, high-fiber breakfast cereal with low-fat milk.


fresh fruits; such as bananas, or dried fruits; Like dates.

Unsalted nuts.





Avoid eating foods that contain large amounts of salt; Including processed meat such as sausages, fish products, and olives.

A healthy diet in Ramadan

Ramadan health tips

The following points show some tips that are recommended to be followed during fasting to maintain a healthy body

drink adequate amounts of water; It is recommended to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day, especially during the summer, to maintain body hydration during fasting periods.

Avoid skipping the Suhoor meal; This is the most important meal of the day and contributes to the body getting enough water, in addition to achieving the body's adequacy of energy and nutrients.

slow consumption of food during breakfast; By starting to eat dates and water; Where dates are one of the foods that provide the body with energy, and dates may help the body to secrete digestive enzymes to prepare for receiving food, and then consume a light appetizer dish; As a dish of soup, or salad, which makes the stomach aware of the opportunity to prepare to receive the meal afterward.

Reducing the consumption of sweets, and avoiding highly processed foods, which contain large amounts of refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, in addition to high-fat foods, such as sweets common in Ramadan, as these sweets contain large amounts of fat, in addition to being Poor in nutrients beneficial to the body.

avoid caffeinated drinks; Such as tea, coffee, and cola, because they are considered diuretics, and therefore may lead to dehydration.

Precautions related to fasting

Some people are advised to consult doctors before fasting to ensure that fasting is safe in their cases. Such as people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and women during pregnancy or breastfeeding

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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