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Foods that help lose stomach fat

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Foods that help lose stomach fat

Foods that help lose stomach fat

Many suffer from a large accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, as a result of lack of movement, sitting for long hours in the workplace, or in front of the TV, and eating various foods full of fat and carbohydrates, which increases the volume of accumulated fat, which forms the rumen, which It gives an inappropriate and unhealthy appearance, which in turn gives an incentive for people to search for various ways to reduce its size, either with certain sports movements, or reduce food intake, and some foods may help in losing or reducing the accumulated fat in the stomach. , and the most important:



The feeling of hunger increases in the early morning, due to the decline in blood sugar levels, but eating oatmeal, which is rich in fiber, remains in the stomach for several hours, which reduces the feeling of hunger, and it is recommended to stay away from adding sugar to it and sweetening it with berries as an alternative.

Almonds and other nuts

Almonds and other nuts

A study at Purdue University showed that people who eat nuts are satiated more quickly than those who eat rice, so eating 24 almonds a day, or any type of nuts, works to satisfy hunger pangs, block them, and reduce calories taken The person feels full, but he is advised to stay away from salted nuts, to avoid raising blood pressure.

Olive oil

Olive oil

Everyone needs a little fat, to control hunger, and eating monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and canola oil are enough to keep cholesterol and keep it under control and satisfy food cravings.



The berry is filled with a lot of fiber so one cup of it contains six grams of fiber, so you should avoid eating the jelly made from it, because it contains large amounts of sugar, and does not contain fiber.



Eggs contain vitamin B12, which the body needs to metabolize fats. Researchers at the University of Louisiana found that people who ate eggs for breakfast daily lost more weight than those who ate bread.

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes

Beans are known as grains rich in protein and fiber, and they are low in calories, which can be eaten to lose weight, by replacing saturated fats with fiber.

Meat and fish without fat

Meat and fish without fat

You can eat turkey, or some fish that contain less saturated fat, such as salmon and tuna, because the body burns more calories when digesting protein, faster than it digests carbohydrates, and fats, and it is also advised to stay away from eating processed meat like sausage.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter contains niacin, which maintains the health of the digestive system and prevents flatulence, but it also contains a lot of fat, so it is recommended to eat no more than two tablespoons per day.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain fiber and few calories, so a plate of vegetables works like a full meal, filling the stomach and making it feel full, and it is recommended to stay away from lettuce, because it does not contain fiber, and replace it with watercress, and spinach.



Avocados contain plenty of heart-healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats, and are a great source of fiber, with 11-17 grams of fiber per serving.

Iced tea

Iced tea

Iced tea, especially green tea, is rich in antioxidants that speed up the metabolism, and according to Swiss researchers, people who drink iced tea daily burn the equivalent of 266 calories per day.

White beans

White beans

Like other legumes, it contains a lot of unique fibers, which resist the digestion process, making it slow, which helps in burning more calories.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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