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What is the relationship between obesity and cancer?

What is the relationship between obesity and cancer?

What is the relationship between obesity and cancer

What is the relationship between obesity and cancer?

Although most people are aware of the extent to which obesity is associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, not everyone is aware of the extent to which obesity is associated with the risk of cancer.

An American study indicated that about 90 percent of Americans are aware that smoking is linked to higher rates of cancer, while only 10 percent are aware of a link between obesity and cancer.

As for the relationship between obesity and cancer, Dr. Clifford Hodes says that only 10 percent of people know of an association between the two diseases.

"Obesity is a major and unremarkable contributor to the high number of cancer deaths, which means that the impact of obesity outweighs the role of tobacco in the risk of cancer,"
said Dr. Clifford Hodes of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A report issued by the National Cancer Institute indicated that "84,000 cases of cancer diagnosed annually are related to obesity." Excess fat affects how cancer treatments work, which can increase a cancer patient's risk of dying from cancer or other causes.

Hodis pointed out that preventing obesity-related cancer is the best treatment, pointing out that the rates of most types of cancer increase with age, pointing out that obesity prevention is achieved through a healthy diet, exercise, and healthy sleep, as well as About dealing with stress and managing stress.

The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of a study in 2003, which included more than 900,000 adults in the United States of America. The study participants were placed under observation for 16 years, which proved that participants who were overweight were more likely to die from cancer compared to participants who were of a healthy weight.

After analyzing the results, the study concluded that excess fat causes 14% of deaths from cancer in men and 20% in women.

The researchers confirmed, based on the analysis of the results, that there is a close relationship between obesity and cancer.

The medical officer of the American Cancer Society, Dr. Otis Broly, said that research has revealed the association of obesity with 12 types of cancer, including cancer of the endometrium, colon, and esophagus, as well as cancer of the kidneys and pancreas.

In a recent report published in the Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, the researchers pointed out that lung, pancreatic, and liver cancers will be considered 2030 as one of the most prominent cancer-causing deaths in the United States of America, partly because of their association with obesity.

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