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4 foods to avoid in the fridge

Learn about 4 foods to avoid in the fridge
4 foods to avoid in the fridge

4 foods to avoid in the fridge

It seems logical to us to put everything in the fridge because cold slows down chemical reactions, delaying the growth of pathogens that eventually spoil food, but the problem is that cold itself degrades the quality of some foods.


The refrigerator is the most important appliance in the kitchen, but we often misuse it, but how?

In a report published by the Spanish newspaper El Confidencial, writer Alvaro Ermida says that putting all the food in the refrigerator when we return from the grocery store without taking it out of its bags is the most comfortable solution for us.

It seems to us that it makes sense to put everything in the refrigerator because cold slows down chemical reactions, which retards the growth of pathogens that eventually spoil the food, but the problem is that the cold itself degrades the quality of some foods.

These are foods that should be avoided in the refrigerator:

4 foods to avoid in the fridge, banana

The banana

Sometimes we have to buy unripe bananas and wait for days until they are fit for consumption, and since the ripening process can take a long time, bananas should be kept in a dry place and at room temperature.



Ketchup and mustard sauce can last for months because it contains a lot of salt, artificial preservatives - especially ketchup - and a pH that makes bacteria growth inside at room temperature very difficult, but the possibility of poisoning remains.

On the other hand, mayonnaise - especially homemade - can never be left out of the refrigerator for the safety of our food.



Jam is one of the foods that can be kept out of the refrigerator, and expert Jeff Potter explains that "jam contains a lot of water but it is "trapped" in sugar, which makes it impossible for bacteria to reach it."



Tomatoes can be preserved for a longer period by placing the green part facing down when leaving them outside the refrigerator, but the problem is that their properties change if they are kept at a temperature below 12 ° C, and in this case certain particles begin to crystallize, giving them a sandy texture. What increases its acidity.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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