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The benefits of cumin outweigh its delicious flavor.. What do you know about it?

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The benefits of cumin outweigh its delicious flavor.. What do you know about it?

The benefits of cumin are numerous including the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems. It is also considered a spice that is used in many dishes in the Mediterranean regions and southwest Asia.

The benefits of cumin outweigh its delicious flavor.. What do you know about it?

Benefits of cumin and lemon

There are no scientific studies on the benefits of cumin and lemon together, but both of them have multiple health benefits.

The benefits of cumin outweigh its delicious flavor.. What do you know about it?

What are the benefits of cumin?

Cumin is cultivated in the Mediterranean regions, India and China. It is a good source for:

Vitamin A



Its benefits are as follows:

Indigestion treatment

Recent research has confirmed the validity of the claims of traditional medicine, as it is considered that among the benefits of cumin is its ability to increase the speed of natural digestion because it stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes. Cumin also increases bile, the fluid secreted by the liver, which helps digest fats and some nutrients in the intestines.

In the same vein, cumin is famous for its use to treat diarrhea.

Cholesterol in the blood

Cholesterol in the blood

A study found that taking 75 mg of cumin twice daily for 8 weeks reduced unhealthy triglycerides in the blood. Another study showed a decrease in the levels of harmful oxidized cholesterol by about 10% in patients who took cumin extract for a month and a half.

Prevention of multiple diseases

The benefits of cumin are evident in its action as an antioxidant, as it contains many plant compounds, including terpenes, phenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids. These compounds can help neutralize free radicals, the unstable particles that lead to clogged arteries, heart disease, and cancer. Therefore, you can use cumin to prevent various diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

In the same context, another study published in "Cancer Letters" in 2007, which included mice, showed that cumin may help protect against the induction of colon cancer, preventing the growth of stomach tumors and liver tumors.

Preventing the risk of food poisoning

Among the benefits of cumin is its ability to reduce the growth of microorganisms, including Escherichia coli, a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. This antibacterial property has made people traditionally use cumin as a preservative.

- Reduce stress

In a study conducted on mice, it was found that those who took cumin extract before performing a strenuous activity had a lower response to stress, compared to the period when they did not receive the extract. Also, thanks to its antioxidant properties, cumin can fight the effects of stress.

- Improve memory

Eating cumin strengthens memory and increases its ability to remember, by stimulating the work of the central nervous system. Cumin's benefits may go beyond its memory-enhancing properties to help treat Parkinson's disease.

What are the benefits of lemon?

What are the benefits of lemon?

Heart health support

Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, it contains fiber and plant compounds that significantly reduce some risk factors for heart disease. One study revealed that taking 24 grams of citrus fiber extract daily for a month reduced total cholesterol levels.

- Prevention of anemia

Lemon can help the body absorb more iron from plant foods eaten in the diet. It may help maintain proper iron levels which prevent anemia.

Dental health support

A study supervised by the University of Helsinki reported that low concentrations of vitamin C may cause gingivitis. Therefore, using lemon-containing toothpaste to clean teeth is safer than using lemon and baking soda directly, which may lead to tooth erosion. If you are keen on using lemon or its juice for oral care, it is best to consult a medical expert before experimenting.

Kidney health

Citric acid helps prevent kidney stones, which are small lumps that form when waste products crystallize and accumulate in the kidneys. This, by increasing the volume and pH of the urine, creates a less favorable environment for the formation of these stones. In this context, the results of the studies were mixed, some of which showed the effectiveness of lemon on stones, and some of them did not.

125ml of lemon juice per day may provide enough citric acid to help prevent stones from forming.

- Low weight

The pectin fiber in lemon expands as soon as you eat it, making you feel full immediately and for a long time. In this context, a study was conducted on mice to test the effect of lemon water on weight management, but there are no similar tests in humans.

- Lowering blood pressure

In the long run, lemon juice may help you manage your blood pressure. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, regular consumption of lemon along with walking may be effective in lowering high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of lemon?

Benefits of drinking cumin before bed

The benefits of cumin before bed are derived from its high content of melatonin, which helps in uninterrupted sleep. Which made traditional doctors recommend drinking cumin tea at bedtime. Also, thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps relieve stress and increase relaxation.

Additionally, cumin contains high levels of magnesium, a mineral that is directly linked to improving sleep quality and duration. Cumin also helps regulate the metabolism, which contributes to reducing sleep disturbances and insomnia.

Health benefits of cumin tea
Helps treat diabetes
Helps lower cholesterol
Protects the central nervous system
Increases estrogen levels
Helps improve the digestive system
Helps kill harmful microorganisms
Helps prevent cancer
Helps diuretics
immune system systems

How to prepare cumin tea

How to prepare cumin tea for benefits of cumin


1 teaspoon cumin seeds

250 ml of water

How to prepare

Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds to your existing bowl.

Heat the pot for 5 seconds, then pour 250 ml of water into it and bring it to a boil

Allow the cumin and water to boil for 5 minutes

Pour the drink into the cup, and add some honey to it if you wish

Cumin benefits diabetics

Cumin benefits diabetics

Cumin has been used since ancient times as an anti-diabetic medicine. One study confirmed that cumin's benefits for diabetics are because it can help lower blood urea, an organic compound that may interfere with how the body responds to insulin.

 Some animal studies have also shown that cumin may maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Despite this, more research is necessary.

Cumin benefits weight loss

Cumin benefits weight loss

On the one hand, cumin is known to contain thymoquinone, a chemical that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can neutralize free radicals in the body, thus helping it cleanse itself of toxins. On the other hand, cumin helps the body's cells respond to insulin and glucose, which keeps blood sugar stable.

In this context, a study showed that participants who took a daily 75 mg of a cumin supplement lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg) more than those who took a placebo. Another small study showed that cumin helped 88 overweight women lose it faster.

You must add cumin to a healthy diet in parallel with exercise to reduce fat deposits and inflammation in the body. Over time, you may also notice a reduction in symptoms of bloating, fatigue, and swelling.

Despite these studies, we need more studies that lead us to definitive results about the benefits of cumin for slimming. It should also be noted that the latency is not able to target one area of ​​the body, but rather affects the total weight, which remains within realistic limits.

Benefits of cumin for the colon

Benefits of cumin for the colon

Research has shown that cumin extract significantly relieves IBS symptoms, which may include abdominal pain, bloating, and an urgent need to go to the bathroom. In one study, 57 patients with irritable bowel syndrome reported improved symptoms after taking concentrated cumin for two weeks.

Benefits of boiled cumin

Benefits of boiled cumin

In the past, cumin tea was used to treat many diseases, but the benefits of boiled cumin were manifested in its ability to lose weight. Recently, many studies have been conducted on this water, and they have shown positive results such as stimulating the metabolism process, maintaining blood sugar balance, improving sleep, and reducing toxins.

Weight loss

Anecdotal accounts show that people used to drink boiled cumin on an empty stomach to get better results like losing weight. It also contributes to stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes, thus ridding the body of intestinal problems, such as bloating.

In the same vein, water aids digestion during pregnancy, as it acts as a catalyst for enzymes specialized in digesting carbohydrates and fats.


Jeera water (the Indian name for cumin) facilitates the secretion of milk from the mammary glands, which promotes lactation in women. One cup also contributes to maintaining the health of the child and mother, as it is an important source of iron.


Cumin boiled is useful for patients with diabetes, as drinking it on an empty stomach will benefit from the benefits of cumin in lowering blood sugar levels. This property is due to cumin seeds, which stimulate the production of insulin in the body.

Liver detoxification

Cumin facilitates the production of bile in the liver, which helps to remove toxins from it and the body. In addition to its ability, as mentioned earlier, to enhance the secretion of digestive enzymes.

Reducing skin problems

Jeera water contains a high amount of vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, which contribute to the fight against free radicals, and in turn, accelerate aging. Cumin also has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent premature aging and keep the skin glowing.

Cumin side effects

Cumin is considered extremely safe and non-toxic, even in large doses. However, despite the benefits of cumin, there are some side effects that you should consider if you want to use it. Researchers have found that cumin suppresses testosterone levels, which means it can make men less fertile if they take it.

In addition, some cultures treat cumin as a seed to induce abortion, and it can cause cramping during pregnancy or premature birth. Although studies have not been conducted on pregnant women, pregnant women must take these characteristics into account.

If you choose to take a cumin supplement, you should follow the directions on the label after consulting your doctor about its suitability for your body. A typical dose is 300 to 600 milligrams per day.

To take advantage of the benefits of cumin, the author of "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods" Michael Murray recommends buying organic, as it does not undergo the irradiation process that most spices undergo. He also suggests buying cumin seeds rather than buying them ground, as the latter lose their flavor and viability more quickly than whole seeds.

In the meantime, he recommends storing cumin in a cool, dry place to help it retain its nutrients and roasting the seeds for a few minutes at up to 300 F before grinding them.

Benefits of ground cumin

Benefits of ground cumin

Lowering blood sugar levels

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Mysore in India found a reduction in blood sugar and diabetes mellitus in mice who had They ate ground cumin for 8 weeks.

In this regard, it must be noted that you should talk to your doctor about using cumin to control blood sugar.

rich in minerals

One tablespoon of cumin gives you 6% of the recommended daily value of magnesium for adults. This mineral contributes to maintaining a healthy heart, controlling blood pressure, and aiding calcium absorption. The benefits of ground cumin are also added to its richness in the essential mineral iron that your body needs to transport oxygen to cells, with 1 tablespoon of it providing 20% ​​of the daily value.

Useful for indigestion

A study on mice by the University of Mysore, published in the "Indian Journal of Medical Research" in 2004, found that cumin is beneficial for both indigestion and diarrhea. The spice appears to stimulate the liver to produce more bile, which helps in breaking down fats and absorbing nutrients, thus aiding in healthier digestion. In the study, cumin increased bile secretion in mice by 71%.

You can get the benefits of cumin in many ways that suit your diet. You can also rely on it to prepare many dishes, whether by adding seeds or grinding them. You can also adopt it as part of your daily routine before bed to improve its quality, or on an empty stomach to lose weight. Regardless of the method, it must be noted the necessity of following a healthy diet through which the maximum benefits are achieved.

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