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Food myths that caused disease and obesity in the world

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Food myths that caused disease and obesity in the world

Food myths that caused disease and obesity in the world

Food health

There are many nutritional recommendations that the world believes as facts, but in reality, they are just “lies” launched by nutrition experts, and have caused an increase in obesity and disease rates.

Eggs are bad for health

Eggs are bad for health

Many nutrition experts describe eggs as a harmful food because they contain a high percentage of cholesterol, which increases the risk of fatal heart diseases.

According to a report published by the medical website “Healthline”, the previous information is inaccurate, because the cholesterol that eggs raise in the blood is not of the harmful type, but rather beneficial, and recent studies have proven the “innocence” of eggs from being behind heart diseases.

The danger of excessive protein intake

The danger of excessive protein intake

Studies by nutrition experts have promoted that excessive protein intake destroys bones, but science has proven the exact opposite, as regular intake of proteins in good quantities improves bone density, and reduces the risk of fractures in the advanced stages of life.


Proteins are dangerous to the kidneys

Proteins are dangerous to the kidneys

The “Healthline” report denies the misconception that protein causes kidney failure, as this is only for people who already suffer from medical problems related to that organ, knowing that protein is safe for healthy individuals.

Whole wheat is good for everyone

Whole wheat is good for everyone

It is not recommended to eat whole wheat as a healthy food that is beneficial for everyone, as there are people who suffer from "gluten sensitivity".

Whole wheat is the main source of gluten, the sensitivity of which causes many symptoms, including digestive problems and fatigue, and may develop to cause damage to the intestines.

No to coffee

No to coffee

There is no doubt that coffee has some damage, foremost of which is raising blood pressure, but the nutrition experts’ attack against it and the emphasis on its multiple dangers is not accurate.

According to some research, coffee reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and liver-related diseases, and stimulates metabolism and burning calories.

Studies have also indicated that coffee is rich in antioxidants, and raises the level of focus and efficiency during exercise.

Meat damage

Meat damage

A large number of nutrition experts insist on considering the food that humans have eaten for many years, which is meat, at the top of the list of those accused of causing serious diseases that we suffer, such as heart diseases, cholesterol, diabetes, and many others.

Scientific experiments have proven that all these claims are true when it comes to processed meat, but they are far from accurate in relation to natural meat.

Also, there is still no final confirmation regarding the responsibility of meat or its link to cancer, despite all the news that is published from time to time about that.

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