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To get rid of the rumen and lose weight.. Eat breakfast at this hour

To get rid of the rumen and lose weight.. Eat breakfast at this hour
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To get rid of the rumen and lose weight.. Eat breakfast at this hour

To get rid of the rumen and lose weight... Eat breakfast at this hour

Why should you not eat breakfast until 11 am if you want to lose weight and get rid of the rumen? What are the signs that when they appear, the diet should be stopped immediately? And how does pumpkin help in losing weight?

The first meal of the day to get rid of the rumen

Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London, said the best time to eat breakfast is at 11 am to lose weight, according to a report in the Dailymail.

Prof Spector told the Cheltenham Science Festival: "I think we have to rethink all the things we've been told are unhealthy because there's a lot of new science emerging."

After the festival, he said: "There are still people, particularly in the north of England, who eat early, but in general we have moved towards continental eating habits, eating dinner later like people in Spain and Italy."

Even those who don't may end up snacking until 9pm, making it difficult to achieve a 14-hour fasting period. There is a small change people can make, by shifting breakfast from 8am to 11am, It is actually more effective than more modern fasting regimes such as 5:2", which means eating normally for 5 days, then reducing calories for two days.

What is meant here is that a person eats dinner at 9 pm, then stops eating until 11 am, when he eats breakfast, and thus he fasts for 14 hours.

Professor Spector studied the Hadza tribe of modern hunter-gatherers who live in Tanzania and do not suffer from obesity or type 2 diabetes. Tribe members tend to start eating at 10:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. every day.

Many experts are increasingly viewing "time-restricted eating" as a way to become healthier and lose weight.

In the UK many people have tried the 5:2 diet, but Professor Spector said: 'Fasting for 14 hours a day, using a late breakfast, but generally eating the same amount, is easier to achieve in the long run. It works because the microbes in Our intestines have a circadian rhythm like ours and need a period of rest."

If you have these signs, stop the diet immediately

Choosing the wrong diet may turn the dream into a nightmare, so you must note your body's response, and stop immediately when these symptoms appear, according to a report in Deutsche Welle.

Following a diet requires great effort and careful follow-up of its effect on weight, as each body deals with the diet differently. If any of these signs appear after the start of the diet, it is necessary to immediately stop it:

Your weight does not change

Advertising promises about losing 5 kilograms in a week are often unrealistic, but if you notice that you have not lost any weight after two weeks, this is a sign that this diet is not suitable for you and must be stopped immediately.

How do you feel about your clothes?

If the problem of your old clothes not being suitable for your body continues, this means that there are no changes to your body as a result of the diet, and here it is necessary to change it.

Constant feeling of hunger

Feelings of hunger control over you is an indication of a burning problem, and here lies the danger of gaining weight very quickly after stopping the diet, which also means that it is not suitable for you, according to the German “Govimenen” website.

The waist-to-height ratio for weight assessment, body fat weight, rumen fat, infographic

 Bad mood

If you notice that your friends are moving away from you because of your continuous bad mood since the beginning of the diet, there is no other solution but to stop the diet.

General weakness

The inability to complete the tasks of daily life means that your body does not get the energy it needs, and where the diet is dangerous to your health.

Always thinking about eating

“When the diet ends, I will eat a huge piece of chocolate or a large French fries meal.” The presence of these thoughts permanently in your head during the diet is torture for the body and an indication of the need to stop the diet.

Hunger is better than diet meals

Your feeling of preferring hunger overeating diet soups is also torture for the body, and here the diet must be changed.

Feeling cold and shivering

The constant feeling of cold, even in the summer, means that there is a problem with blood circulation and a lack of sugar in the body as a result of an improper diet.

Digestion problems

The presence of diarrhea or constipation also means that this type of diet is not suitable for the body.

Feeling depressed

Loss of desire to do anything, and a constant feeling of depression is a message from your body to tell you to "stop this diet immediately."

How does pumpkin help in losing weight

How does pumpkin help in losing weight?

Pumpkin has many benefits, including aiding in weight loss and protecting people from some chronic diseases, according to a report in Deutsche Welle.

Pumpkin is a food that does not contain large calories (26 calories per 100 grams).

Pumpkin also provides the human body with dietary fibers that make it feel full and thus contribute to weight loss, according to the "Zentrum der Gesundheit" website.

Nutritionist Julia Zompano says that eating pumpkins has amazing benefits for human health, adding that pumpkins should be present in the daily diet, according to what Deutsche Welle quoted from the "Cleveland Clinic" website.

And about some of the benefits of pumpkin, nutrition expert Julia Zompano said: Pumpkin is rich in vitamin "A", which is great for vision and strengthening your immune system. She added that "eating a small amount of pumpkin can provide the body with the daily needs of vitamin A."

How does pumpkin help in losing weight

Lutein and zeaxanthin

The German website specialized in medical news, "Heil Praxis", indicates that pumpkin contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that help protect the eyes from macular degeneration in old age.

Also, the benefits of pumpkin include the heart, as nutrition expert Zumpano reported that pumpkin is rich in potassium, which is an essential element for heart health. She added that

Pumpkin also contains heart-important vitamin C and fiber, and the antioxidants it contains can help prevent heart disease.

Eating pumpkin has great benefits for strengthening the immunity of the human body, as it is a source of a group of immune-strengthening antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. In addition, pumpkin contains carotenoids that fight cancer.

"Carotenoids are plant pigments produced by yellow, orange, and red plants such as pumpkin, carrots, squash, and tomatoes," explains nutrition expert Julia Zumpano, adding that carotenoids fight the effects of free radicals in the body, which may help protect against certain types of cancer.

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