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15 types of food for gut health

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15 types of food for gut health

Beneficial bacteria

15 types of food for gut health

1. Yogurt

Live yogurt is an excellent source of so-called friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics. Look for the full-fat, sugar-free versions, and add your own fruit for a delicious breakfast. Yogurt drinks can contain large numbers of beneficial bacteria for the gut, much more than you might find in regular yogurt. Be careful because it can be high in sugar.

2. Kefir


This probiotic yogurt drink is made by fermenting milk and is full of beneficial bacteria. It originated in the mountainous region between Asia and Europe, as well as Russia and Central Asia. It's also a great addition to smoothies and soups, or you can use it as a base for salad dressing (add lemon juice and spices).

3. Mezo Soup

Mezo Soup

Made from fermented soybeans, as well as barley or rice, miso contains a host of good things like beneficial bacteria and enzymes. A salty paste used for dips, seasonings, and soups, it can also be used as a pickle for salmon or tofu. It is a staple in Japanese cooking and is suitable if you avoid dairy products. There is uncertainty in the research that the bacteria effectively reach the intestines, however, in areas where miso is a primary food source, the population has better gut health and fewer intestinal diseases.

4. Sauerkraut


This is a finely chopped cabbage that has been fermented. This wonderful source of probiotics, fiber, and vitamins is known as a German dish, but versions exist in eastern and central Europe. Choose a product that hasn't been pickled in vinegar because it doesn't have the same benefits. It's delicious served with sausage, and it can be cheap and easy to prepare at home.

5. Kimchi


This Korean specialty of fermented vegetables brings the benefits of probiotic bacteria along with vitamins and fiber. Use it as a lively side dish with meat, salad or eggs. It is very common for Koreans to say "kimchi" the same way we say "cheese" when they are being photographed.

6. Sourdough


This is very common at the moment, but there is a good reason for it. Made by fermenting dough, it is more digestible than regular bread and its energy is slowly released. It makes great toast, too.

7. Almond


These have good probiotic properties, which means they're a treat for your gut bacteria - rich in fiber and full of fatty acids and polyphenols. A handful of almonds makes an excellent snack when you're hungry.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil

Gut bacteria and microbes like a diet of fatty acids and polyphenols. These are found in olive oil. Studies have shown that it helps reduce intestinal inflammation. Use it to season salads or sprinkle it over cooked vegetables. Some studies have also found that olive oil is helpful in relieving indigestion issues and can also benefit the pancreas by reducing its requirements to produce digestive enzymes.

9. Kombucha


We all know that water is important for gut health, but what else can you drink? Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that is believed to have originated in Manchuria, which is full of beneficial probiotic bacteria. It has a sharp vinegar taste and can be used as a refreshing drink on its own or mixed with fruits and spices. It is also the basis for great cocktails.

10. Peas


Your gut bacteria need fiber to thrive, so the more fruits and vegetables you consume, the better. Peas are full of soluble and insoluble fiber to help keep your system in balance. Add peas to stir-fries, soups, or salads.

11. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts

Much more than just a festive ingredient, they contain the kinds of fibers that good bacteria like and sulfur compounds that help fight unhealthy bacteria like H pylori. Sauté with garlic and bacon for a delicious side dish.

12. Bananas


Bananas are one of nature's most beneficial and healthy snacks, packed with the kind of fiber that good bacteria have. It also contains healthy minerals.

13. Roquefort cheese

Roquefort cheese

Live, liquid, and fragrant French cheese will give your gut bacteria a boost — but eat it in moderation. Add it to salads or spread it on sourdough. While we cannot be certain that all bacteria survive digestion to be beneficial, other properties are thought to help preserve some bacteria during digestion.

14. Garlic


Garlic, with its antibacterial and antifungal properties, can help control “bad” gut bacteria and help balance yeast in the gut. Use it as a flavoring for savory dishes. The properties in garlic act as a fuel source to allow the bacteria to do their job better which improves overall gut function.

15. Ginger


Fresh ginger can help produce stomach acid and stimulate the digestive system to keep food moving through the intestines. Add freshly grated ginger to soups, stews, smoothies, or stir-fries. Pour boiling water over grated ginger to make a refreshing ginger tea.

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