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French press coffee raises cholesterol

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French press coffee raises cholesterol

French press coffee raises cholesterol

There are several ways to prepare coffee, such as boiling, brewing or filtering, and one of these methods is also the "French Press." Does it affect the level of cholesterol in the blood?

What is French Press coffee?

French piston coffee is a popular preparation method for unfiltered coffee. The French press, also known as a coffee press, is a two-in-one jug that functions as a coffee maker and a serving pitcher.

Because French Press coffee uses a built-in piston to separate the ground coffee from the final brew, there is no paper filter to remove coffee bean oils or impurities.

Some coffee lovers say the lack of a filter makes the coffee taste better.

French press coffee raises cholesterol

What does no filter mean in french press coffee?

When you are not using a coffee filter, some unwanted ingredients may slip into your coffee cup.

Unfiltered coffee contains diterpenes, which are chemical compounds found in the oily substance in coffee beans. This substance raises the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) when drinking unfiltered coffee in large quantities, such as French press coffee.

The two main types of diterpene found in coffee are:



High cholesterol levels can increase the chances of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

With the filter, most of the diterpenes are separated, but without it many of them end up in your cup of coffee. A cup of the unfiltered drink contains 30 times more diterpene than its filtered counterpart, according to Harvard University.

What is the effect of drinking unfiltered coffee on health?

What is the effect of drinking unfiltered coffee on health?

A study published in 2020 in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology analyzed nearly 20 years of data from more than 51,000 people between the ages of 20 and 79. The researchers studied people who drank filtered or unfiltered coffee, or both. The study found that drinking unfiltered coffee was associated with higher heart disease and death rates than drinking filtered coffee.

The study also indicated that drinking filter coffee is associated with lower mortality rates than drinking unfiltered coffee.

How much-unfiltered coffee causes damage?

Dietitian Vicky Shanta Ritney tells the healthy website that it is believed that diterpene is likely to raise LDL cholesterol among people who drink 5 to 8 cups of unfiltered coffee per day.

She notes that the greatest risk of heart disease and death was associated with drinking large amounts of unfiltered coffee (more than 9 cups per day).

What is the effect of drinking unfiltered coffee on health?

Should we stop drinking French piston coffee?

No, we would advise you to:

If you have heart problems or high cholesterol, check with your doctor about which coffees are right for you.

Cut back on French piston coffee and any type of unfiltered coffee such as Turkish coffee.

Try to drink more filtered coffee than others.

Moderation is the key, it is not recommended to consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, this is equivalent to 4 cups of coffee on average, do not exceed that, and make most of the coffee you drink "filtered".

no conclusive evidence

While the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology study showed a link between filter coffee and lower mortality rates, it did not conclusively prove that filter drinks are better or more nutritious than unfiltered ones.

For people with a history of high cholesterol or heart problems, it may be a good idea to cut back a bit on French press and other unfiltered coffees.

But if you don't have any heart-related issues or high cholesterol, and you enjoy unfiltered coffee without unpleasant side effects, it can be consumed, but in moderation.

What is the effect of drinking unfiltered coffee on health?

General tips for drinking coffee

Use the filter

If possible, choose filter drinks (such as drip or pour-over coffee) and reserve unfiltered coffee for special occasions.

Monitor your cholesterol levels

If you're a fan of unfiltered coffee, work with your doctor to monitor your cholesterol to ensure your bad cholesterol doesn't rise to harmful levels.

listen to your body

If coffee causes palpitations, nervousness, or upset stomach, these are signs that you should stop or reduce it.


The study we looked at earlier - the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Study - found that people who drank 1 to 4 cups of filter coffee per day had the lowest mortality rate, while people who drank 9 or more cups of unfiltered drink per day had a higher rate.

Healthy Coffee

coffee time

If coffee is affecting your sleep, drink it in the morning, and don't drink it after midday.

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