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4 smart ways to prevent allergies at home.. Get to know them

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allergies at home

4 smart ways to prevent allergies at home... Get to know them

Pet allergy

Allergy symptoms can be reduced with over-the-counter products. "You'll need things like eye drops, nasal sprays, allergy medications (usual antihistamines like Benadryl), or asthma inhalers," says Dr. Barrick. Like dust mite covers, air purifiers for mold and pet dander, the bedroom is the most important room to keep allergens free because we spend most of the time there," according to the parents' website.

As a long-term solution, the most effective treatment option is to remove the source of the allergy from your home:


allergies at home

1- Start by reducing the presence of dust mites

The vacuum cleaner won't do much, because mites can hide deep in the carpet. Instead, replace long-haired rugs with hard-surfaced floors, and rely on hypoallergenic covers for your bedding. Moisture control during the summer can also manage these pests.

2 - Hire a professional to remove mold from your home - or find how to safely do it yourself, prevent mold from reappearing by putting in dehumidifiers, fix leaks, and shower with the vent fan on.

allergies at home

3 - Get rid of pests with poisons or traps, and do not leave food or garbage exposed inside the house, and you may also need to hire a professional exterminator.

4 - If the allergy is severe, your doctor may treat it with allergen immunotherapy (desensitization), also known as allergy shots, says Dr. Barrick. At regular intervals, a small amount of allergen is injected into the skin to stimulate your immune system. The shots are given over time, allowing your body to build up an immunity to the allergen - just like a vaccine, shots are given 1-3 times a week for the first few months, then about once a month to keep progression you'll likely need to take regular allergy shots For three to five years

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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