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Best drink for headache

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Best drink for headache

 The best headache relief drink - water

The best headache relief drink - Water

Dehydration does a lot of harm to headache sufferers, as headaches and migraines increase with dehydration, so drinking enough water every day is crucial to prevent them.

 Remove it if it is caused by dehydration. If you have difficulty drinking a lot of plain water, try soaking it with fruits such as mango or strawberry.

The best headache relief drink - almond milk

The best headache relief drink - almond milk

Almonds are rich in magnesium, which is one of the most important minerals for people with migraines. A 2011 study showed that magnesium can help prevent migraine attacks, and may help treat them as well. A few almonds are another good option, but drinking a glass of almond milk is An easier way to get a dose of magnesium to stop a headache, almond milk doubles as a dehydration fighter, and it tastes great in fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

chrysanthemum teaِِ

chrysanthemum teaِِ

Chrysanthemum tea can be made by leaving it in hot water. To get headache relief or take it as a preventative dose, add some almond milk and a spoonful of honey to it. Chrysanthemum has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve headaches, and chrysanthemums can also prevent seizures. Migraines.

Best drink for headache

Studies have shown that 50 milligrams (mg) of chrysanthemum taken daily prevents migraine attacks, although it can take months to see the full effects, according to the National Headache Foundation.

Hot pepper in warm water

Hot pepper in warm water

The compound in hot peppers that makes them spicy, called capsaicin, dampens the neurotransmitters responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. Some studies have shown that it can relieve cluster headaches or migraine attacks, especially when applied directly to the skin. Hot peppers, too, so try adding warm water to it when you feel a migraine.

Liquid fish oil

Liquid fish oil

Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, powerful anti-inflammatories that provide strength to the heart and brain, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that those who consume fish oil are less likely to have heart attacks and strokes, and fish oil can help In preserving memory and preventing the deterioration of brain function.

Warm lemon water

Warm lemon water

Drinking warm lemon water after waking up is an old healthy habit, as lemon is high in vitamin C and helps the body clean itself from the inside out, and citric acid activates the digestive system, which can slow down during a migraine attack, you can add A spoonful of honey for a delicious and more nutritious drink.

Mint tea

Mint tea

Peppermint is another ancient remedy that has been used to calm an upset stomach or nausea. It can relax nerves and muscle spasms in the intestines. Since the gut and brain are closely linked, upset stomachs are common during a migraine attack, so calm the stomach with peppermint tea, which is delicious. Iced or hot, it can help soothe a headache, too.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea

Ginger is another ancient remedy for an upset stomach and one of the most popular drinks for headaches and migraines. It can be easily brewed into tea, and it's also delicious on its own or with honey.

A 2014 paper, published by Phytotherapy Research, discovered that ginger works to relieve migraines. Researchers found that ginger is as effective as sumatriptan, a commonly prescribed triptan when it comes to reducing migraine pain. Ginger is safe to use in reasonable amounts and worth a try. Simple and inexpensive migraine relief.

Watermelon juice with honey and mint

Watermelon juice with honey and mint

The ingredients in this smoothie are full of vitamins and minerals. Watermelon is rich in water, magnesium, and potassium, which helps reduce brain fog and increase focus. Honey contains many minerals that help relax blood vessels, thus enhancing blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

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