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How do you gain weight?

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How do you gain weight?

Find out the answer to the question of how to gain weight healthily if you are trying to gain weight without affecting your health in the long run.

The best way to gain weight

It is important to keep a few things in mind when you want to gain weight in a healthy way:

Set short-term, reasonable goals. Weight gain goals vary from person to person. You may need more fat, or your body may need more muscle mass. You may need to eat more calories than usual, or resistance exercise may suffice. In any case, talk to a dietitian and/or a trainer, depending on your condition and body needs.

How do you gain weight?

If your health is good, but you want to gain weight, make sure that the increase does not depend on eating unhealthy food, such as sweets, fries, and soft drinks.

Diet tips to gain weight

Adopt a healthy, balanced diet based on calories that exceed your daily needs, and the number of calories your body needs may differ from someone else's. For example, if your body needs 2000 calories to maintain your weight, gradually increase the number of calories you consume until you reach, for example, 2200 calories.

How do you gain weight?

Eat frequent meals during the day to encourage you to eat more calories and we advise you to eat 6 balanced meals that contain balanced amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Eat calorie-rich foods and avoid low-fat foods. So, be sure to eat milk and its full-fat derivatives, and include in your meals foods such as salmon and healthy oils.

How do you gain weight?

Eat calorie-rich drinks like smoothies and milkshakes with whole milk and calorie-rich fruits like avocado, banana, and honey.

Get enough sleep, 7 to 8 hours a day.

Eat even if you don't feel hungry until you get used to the extra calories.

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1 comment

  1. Really informative article! I was having a hard time locating the information I needed to understand how to keep a balanced diet. This article helps me a lot. Thank You!
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