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Benefits of ground ginger with honey

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Benefits of ground ginger with honey

Benefits of ground ginger with honey

Studies on the benefits of ground ginger with honey A study conducted on rats and published in BioMed research international in 2014 indicated that a mixture of ginger extract prepared from ground ginger with gelam honey extract has a better antioxidant effect in people with diabetes compared to the extract of ground ginger. honey or ginger alone; However, more studies are needed on this benefit. An in vitro study published in the International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences in 2011 showed that ginger extract with honey has anti-pathogenic activity in humans, as ginger extract with honey helps to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Better compared to the use of honey or ginger extract alone, and honey and ginger extract also reduced the growth of other strains of bacteria that are pathogenic to humans, such as Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumonia (in English: Klebsiella pneumonia), and salmon The study also indicated that the effectiveness of one of the concentrations of this extract inhibits the growth of all the types mentioned above of bacteria that are resistant to some types of antibiotics.

 A laboratory study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in 2014 indicated that ginger extract with honey may reduce the risk of colon cancer, by stimulating the programmed death of cancer cells (English: apoptosis), and inhibiting the growth and development of these cells.

Benefits of ground ginger with honey

Benefits of ginger and honey on an empty stomach

There are no scientific studies showing the benefits of eating ginger with honey on an empty stomach.

How to use ginger with honey

In general, ginger and honey can be added to juices, and a tablespoon of honey can be added to hot ginger tea.

Benefits of ground ginger with honey

 General benefits of ginger

Both fresh and dried ginger contains more than 100 active compounds. Gingerols are one of the main compounds in fresh ginger; however, it is found in small proportions in dried ginger, and ginger also contains many other beneficial and antioxidant compounds such as Zingerone, Zerumbone, Pungent Oleoresins, in addition to some terpenoid compounds, and flavonoids (in English: Flavonoids), and it should be noted that some of these compounds possess the properties of Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, and analgesic, in addition to that it may contribute to maintaining the health of the liver, and some chemical compounds in ginger help the body to expel germs from the body; This is done by inhibiting the growth of some types of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Shigella.

Benefits of ground ginger with honey

General benefits of honey

Honey is characterized by its sweet taste and high nutritional value. It contributes to promoting the health of the immune system and reducing the risk of many diseases because it contains many biologically active plant compounds and antioxidants such as organic acids and phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds) such as flavonoids (in English: Flavonoids), and it should be noted that the darker types of honey are distinguished by containing a higher amount of these compounds compared to the lighter types of honey.

Benefits of ground ginger with honey

An overview of ginger and honey

Ginger, which is scientifically known as Zingiber official Roscoe, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, and it is a perennial plant that is used in many recipes. Sweet is made by bees using the nectar of flowering plants, and there are about 320 different types of honey; Each type is distinguished by its color, aroma, and flavor.

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