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Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

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Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

A study found that a diet rich in nuts, olive oil, and legumes helps fight skin cancer.

The newspaper said that the Mediterranean diet could help those receiving treatment for skin cancer, as it made skin cancer patients respond better to immunotherapy drugs called "ICIs", and their tumors did not deteriorate after 12 months of taking the drugs.

The newspaper added, a study found that eating a diet rich in healthy fats can help fight cancer, as the Mediterranean diet focuses on olive oil, nuts, and fish as well as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and has been linked to a range of health benefits, including Cardiovascular disease, and longevity.

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

Now researchers have shown that it can also increase the effectiveness of immunotherapy among melanoma patients. Patients who followed the diet and received the drugs were more likely to be progression-free after 12 months.

"Our study supports a role for diet strategies to improve patient outcomes and survival," said study author and dietitian Laura Bolt, of University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands.

Researchers from the United Kingdom and University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands tracked the diets of 91 patients with advanced melanoma who were taking immunosuppressive drugs (ICIs). Patients came forward and had X-rays done frequently.

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

The study found that those who followed a Mediterranean diet not only responded better to the medications but also did not get worse after a year.

The study also found that whole grains and legumes in particular reduced the likelihood of experiencing side effects from immunotherapy drugs, such as colitis. By contrast, people who ate a lot of red meat and processed meat experienced more side effects.

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

Professor Bolt said the relationship between response, diet, and the gut microbiome opens up an exciting and promising future for enhancing treatment responses. The results will be presented at the Common European Gastroenterology Week 2022.

The immunosuppressive drugs work by forcing the body's T cells, a type of white blood cell, to fight cancer, the paper said.

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

The American Cancer Society said that the incidence of skin cancer has increased significantly over the past years, and it is estimated that about 99,780 new melanomas will be diagnosed in men, about 57,180 in men and 42,600 in women in the United States in 2022, and about 7,650 people are expected to die. due to skin cancer (about 5080 men and 2570 women).

You are more than 20 times more likely to develop skin cancer if you are white than if you are African-American. The type of cancer is more common in men, but before the age of 50 it is more common in women, and the older you get, the more likely it is You have skin cancer.

Study: A diet rich in nuts and olive oil protects against skin cancer

The average age of diagnosis is 65, but it's not unusual for those under 30 either, and it's one of the most common types of cancer among young adults, especially young women.

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