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For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

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For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood. The body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells.

But being too high can increase the risk of a heart attack.

Because of high cholesterol, fatty deposits can form in the patient's blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits grow and make it difficult for enough blood to flow through the arteries, and sometimes these deposits suddenly break off to form a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.

High cholesterol can be inherited, but the condition is usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, which makes it treatable and preventable. With a healthy diet, exercise, and sometimes medication, high cholesterol can be lowered.

For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

High cholesterol is often described as the "silent killer" because it rarely produces symptoms, and a buildup of cholesterol can cause the hardening of the arteries in the arms and legs, which may lead to symptoms.

The process of atherosclerosis in the arms and legs is called peripheral artery disease (PAD).

According to the Cardiovascular Laboratories of America (CLA), the "first sign" of PAD is a painful spasm in the hip, thigh, or calf muscles after certain activities.

According to the CLA, even low-intensity activities such as walking or climbing stairs can trigger this painful cramping.

And according to CLA Dr. Sanjay Wagle, it would be wise to heed the warning sign

For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

The doctor said: "Our body is incredibly smart. We need to feel our legs. If you have leg pain when you walk but it gets better when you rest, you need to have a conversation with your doctor. If your leg is heavy that is a serious warning sign."

The name "Charlie Horse" is given to a muscle spasm, usually in the leg.

Other signs of PAD include:

Coldness in the lower leg or foot, especially when compared to the other side.

Leg numbness or weakness.

No pulse or weak pulse in the legs or feet.

For high cholesterol.. the “first sign” affects your legs and may be serious

Painful cramps in one or both of the hips, thighs, or calf muscles after certain activities, such as walking or climbing stairs.

Shiny skin on the legs.

Skin color changes on the legs.

Slower growth of toenails.

Ulcers that do not heal.

Pain when using the arms, such as soreness and cramping when knitting, writing, or doing other manual tasks.

Erectile dysfunction in men.

Hair loss or slowed hair growth on the legs.

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