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Reducing carbohydrates leads to burning the rumen and losing weight

learn Reducing carbohydrates leads to burning the rumen and losing weight..intermittent fasting is better
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Reducing carbohydrates leads to burning the rumen and losing weight

Reducing carbohydrates leads to burning the rumen and losing weight..intermittent fasting is better

A recent study revealed habits that can be more effective in getting rid of belly fat and losing weight, the best of which remains intermittent fasting.

The study was conducted by researchers from China and published in the Cell Reports Medicine journal on October 22.

The study included participants who were given 3 options in the diet, as follows:

44 of the participants chose to eat time-restricted food, ie intermittent fasting.

47 participants followed a low-carb diet

44 participants followed a regimen that combined intermittent fasting with reduced carbs.

Those who followed intermittent fasting were asked to eat every 8 hours, lasting either from 8 am to 4 pm or from 12 pm until 8 pm.

After 3 months, the results showed that the three eating habits could lead to weight loss. However, eating only time-restricted food, intermittent fasting, specifically directed to participants losing visceral fat in the abdomen, the rumen.

intermittent fasting

"I think this is good news for those with obesity or metabolic syndrome," dietitian Laurie Walker told Eat This Not That. "Both a low-carb diet and a time-restricted eating schedule seem to be effective treatments." for weight loss, so it's worth trying both to see which works best for you."

On why time-restricted eating is so effective in losing weight without counting calories, Walker explains that time-restricted eating "helps control the amount of food you eat."

"By only allowing yourself to eat, over a certain period, you are less likely to overeat," Walker adds.

"The study found, a time-restricted diet can also help reduce visceral fat. And why is it more effective than a low-carb diet? I think that's because a low-carb diet can be difficult to stick to in the long term. Restrictive and can be difficult to maintain, while a time-restricted diet is more flexible and easier to follow.”

Reducing carbohydrates leads to burning the rumen and losing weight


The rumen is a major health problem, because it has caused, and leads to negative health risks.

The rumen occurs as a result of the accumulation of visceral fat in the abdomen, and it is often stubborn and difficult to get rid of quickly, even with exercise and diet.

The rumen increases the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, arterial and vascular disease, and some types of cancer. Also, rumen and weight gain may accelerate the aging of the body as a result of these diseases that drain and exhaust it.

In addition to weight gain and inactivity, a German study in 2020 found a relationship between the formation of abdominal fat and insulin sensitivity in the brain.

Researchers from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), in cooperation with the Helmholtz Center in Munich and the University Hospital in Tübingen, succeeded in deciphering the code between the distribution of body fat and insulin sensitivity in the brain, that is, the extent to which the brain accepts and deals with this hormone.

The results of this study were published at the time in the journal Nature Communications.

The brain

One of the exciting results of the study is that the higher the sensitivity of the brain to insulin, the more people can maintain their normal weight or quickly get rid of excess weight, specifically in the abdominal area.

On the other hand, the less the brain reacts to insulin, the faster the body stores fat, especially visceral fat, which is the most dangerous type of body fat for human health because it wraps around the internal organs and threatens their safety.

As the percentage of visceral fat increases, the signaling molecules produced by hormones, which are usually the cause of high blood pressure and inflammation within the body, proliferate, which explains the relationship between visceral fat and the increased risk of diabetes, arterial disease, and even the risk of cancer.

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