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Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

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Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

 People are accustomed to eating sweets after finishing the main meals as a kind of "dessert", and many are ignorant of the reason behind this increased desire, so where did this habit come from? Is this action healthy?

Eating sugar, the body secretes what is known as the happiness hormone or dopamine, so when a person eats sugar, it is associated with a sense of happiness. Eating sweets and sugars for many people is a source of satisfaction and happiness and many resorts to eating these foods when feeling sad or distressed. The habit of eating sweets for some may be a habit that resembles addiction and is difficult to control, especially after the immediate completion of eating basic meals. This mainly contributes to obesity and may increase the risk of diabetes and other health problems.

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

Numerous theories

Many theories explain this urgent need for people to eat sugars immediately after eating, and we will explain each of them and give solutions that may help us overcome this problem.

The first explanation: the brain duplicates functions

The brain usually works in Auto Pilot mode; That is, he resorts to repeating the same functions in the same order, without thinking about them. Some scholars suggest that this habit may go back to early childhood. As many mothers resort to motivating their children to finish the meal by rewarding them with sweets directly in the event that they finish eating, and from here the association with the idea begins, and the brain involuntarily resorts to the desire to eat sugar directly after the meal.

We always say that food habits are associated with us at very early ages, so mothers should educate themselves about child nutrition, and the negative effects that may result from habits acquired in the early stages of life.

In order to break the autopilot mode in which the brain operates, we must start by giving it different orders. If a person gets used to eating sweets directly after dinner, he must do some tasks for a period of 15 to 30 minutes for a period of time, until the brain gets used to the new system, and forgets Needing to eat sugar after a meal.

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

The second explanation: the relationship between body hormones

The desire to consume sugars may be related to the hormones in the body. The body secretes the satiety hormone known as Leptin, which is the hormone responsible for sending messages to the brain to tell it to stop eating. Because we have reached satiety. There is a condition known as Leptin Resistance, in which the hormone is unable to deliver the command to the brain; So the body loses the sense of satiety. On the other hand, there is the hunger hormone known as Ghrelin, which in turn alerts the body to the need to eat.

In this case, the person may either suffer from a problem, which is resistance to the satiety hormone, and therefore he always feels hungry, or his consumption of the amount of main meals is small, and therefore the hunger hormone continues to send messages of hunger, and in both cases consuming sugars is the preferred solution for the body; As it provides energy to the body faster.

The solution is to consume more protein and fiber at dinner. To give the body a feeling of satiety, thus reducing the need to eat sugars after a meal. In the event that a person suffers from a problem with resisting the satiety hormone, this is a somewhat complicated problem, and you need to follow up with a nutritionist. This problem usually appears in people who are overweight or obese. As it is a problem that appears due to the increase in the percentage of fat in the body.

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

The third explanation: is fast eating

Eating quickly is one of the problems. As the brain needs time to absorb the amount of food that people eat; Therefore, we find that people who eat quickly usually consume a much larger amount of food than people who eat slowly, and this is due to the fact that the brain needs at least 20 minutes to absorb the amounts of food entered, and thus begins to send messages to stop eating.

One of the problems with fast eating is that the person does not reach the feeling of satisfaction after the meal, which food usually sends to the brain, in addition to the feeling of satiety. Therefore, people resort to eating sweets and sugars after a meal.

To overcome this problem, we recommend chewing the food well, and finishing the meal in a period of not less than 20 to 30 minutes. so that the body can send the necessary messages to the brain.

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

The fourth explanation: the meal contains fast-absorbing carbohydrates

This explanation is based on the fact that the meal contains fast-absorbing carbohydrates, or what is known as High Glycemic Index Carbohydrates, which causes a rapid rise in the sugar level after eating it, and thus the body secretes a large amount of insulin, which in turn lowers the sugar level suddenly, which makes The body needs to re-consume the sugars again to adjust the glucose level. These foods include white bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes, soft drinks... and others.

In order to overcome this problem, we recommend that the meal contain fiber, protein and beneficial fats, which delay the rise in sugar levels after the meal. We also recommend not
eating starches alone and replacing fast-absorbing starches with slow-to-medium ones, such as brown bread, basmati or brown rice, legumes... and others.

Why do we crave sweets immediately after a meal?

Fifth explanation: heredity factor

It is worth noting that people's need for sugars may be more for some than others, due to the hereditary factor.

The application of the previous tips may reduce the severity of this need, but it may remain with others. Therefore, there are solutions that may be better than eating sweets after a meal, which is replacing them with fruits, as it is less harmful to the body, but also one must wait at least half an hour; As eating fruits directly causes problems with digestion due to impeding the absorption of fruit sugar, and thus fermentation.

We also recommend eating fruits before the main meal. It has been discovered that eating fruits before a meal reduces the level of high blood sugar. Because the fibers in the fruit delay the absorption of starches in the main meal and give a sense of satiety.

There are some tips for sweet lovers that may reduce their harm. When you want to eat sweets, it is preferable to eat them in the morning; As the burning rates during this period are much higher than in the evening period; Thus, we ensure that the body will consume it as a source of energy, instead of storing it in the form of fat. It is also preferable to take it after sports. Because eating sweets after exercise helps store sugar in muscles and adipose tissue.

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