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June 2022

Lack of sleep damages the brain

Lack of sleep damages the brain... Can it be compensated for another night? And what does it mean to sleep with the mouth open? What is the effect …

Fruits that reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes

Fruits that reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes Nutrition experts point out that including a diet full of fruits and vegetables contributes to we…

Is it safe to buy cut watermelon, cantaloupe, and papaya?

Is it safe to buy cut watermelon, cantaloupe, and papaya? Cutting watermelon, cantaloupe and papaya can pose a health risk, which has been confirme…

The effects of staying up late on the human body

The effects of staying up late on the human body Over time, lack of sleep can contribute to depression, as studies link sleep problems and depression…

Food myths that caused disease and obesity in the world

Food myths that caused disease and obesity in the world Food health There are many nutritional recommendations that the world believes as facts, bu…

5 "amazing" benefits of drinking water as soon as you wake up

It will change your life.. 5 "amazing" benefits of drinking water as soon as you wake up The Japanese follow an ancient tradition, which is…

Does sugarcane juice have health benefits?

Does sugarcane juice have health benefits? However, sugarcane juice, whether on its own or in fruit juices, mixed drinks, and other beverages, is bel…

To get rid of the rumen and lose weight.. Eat breakfast at this hour

To get rid of the rumen and lose weight... Eat breakfast at this hour Why should you not eat breakfast until 11 am if you want to lose weight and g…
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