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Lack of sleep damages the brain

Lack of sleep damages the brain... Can it be compensated for another night? And what does it mean to sleep with the mouth open?
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Lack of sleep damages the brain... Can it be compensated for another night? And what does it mean to sleep with the mouth open?

Lack of sleep damages the brain... Can it be compensated for another night? And what does it mean to sleep with the mouth open?

What is the effect of staying up late on the brain? Is it possible to compensate for the lack of sleep on another day? And how much sleep deprivation can cause brain damage? What is the effect of the moon on sleep? What foods are recommended to eat for good sleep? And what does it mean to sleep with the mouth open?

Staying up late can cause long-term brain damage

Recent studies in humans and mice show that staying up late and sleep deprivation can cause long-term brain damage.

In his report, published by the American newspaper "The New York Times", author Oliver Wang said that a recent research review published in the journal "Trends in Neurosciences" on the long-term neurological effects of sleep deprivation in each of the animals and humans; She pointed to mounting evidence that lack of sleep likely leads to long-term brain damage and an increased risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

The writer shows that periods of severe sleep deprivation are harmful to health, as forced insomnia has been used for centuries as a tool of punishment and torture. In the first experimental study of sleep deprivation - published by the Russian scientist Maria Manasina in 1894 - the puppies were forced to stay awake by continuous stimulation, and they died within 5 days. After examining her body, Manasina noted that "the blood vessels bled and the fatty membranes eroded"; She concluded that "total sleep deprivation is more dangerous than complete deprivation of food."

The research review was conducted by University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist Sigrid Wiese, and researcher Zachary Zamor.

The author, Oliver Wang, said that sleep deprivation led to the death of cells in the brains of mice after a few days of sleep restriction, which is a much closer onset of brain damage than previously thought, and also caused inflammation in the prefrontal cortex and increased levels of tau and amyloid proteins, which It has been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's.

Lack of sleep damages the brain

Can lack of sleep be compensated for another day?

The answer seems to be no. Writer Wang explained that after a full year of regular sleep, the mice that were previously sleep-deprived still had neurological damage and inflammation in the brain, which, according to the researchers, indicates that the effects were long-term and possibly permanent.

However - as the writer reported - many scientists said that the new research should not be a cause for panic; Neurological damage comes in degrees, and the extent to which sleep deprivation affects the human brain is still largely unknown, said Jerome Siegel, a sleep scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who did not contribute to the review. About the long-term effects of a lack of sleep can lead people to try to sleep excessively without needing it while taking hypnotic drugs.

How much sleep deprivation can cause brain damage?

Dr. Vessey said that sleep deprivation "can damage the brain and if it happens in mice, and it's been shown to happen in other species, it probably happens in humans," asking, "How much sleep loss can cause damage?" But given all of the above, about one week of sleep deprivation may really damage the brain to some extent."

Lack of sleep damages the brain

What is the effect of the moon on sleep?

Writer Isabella Lopez says in a report published by "step to health" magazine that the moon certainly affects the tides and tides in the oceans, and it is said that it is also related to human behavior, and affects mood and decision-making with the change of its visible form.

The writer adds that some peoples also believe that the moon affects sleep, especially when the full moon is complete, as people need a longer time to fall asleep, and the quality of their sleep is negatively affected.

A study published in 2013 found that people sleep fewer hours when the moon is full.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland, and was published in the scientific journal "Current Biology". The researchers studied 33 volunteers, tested their sleep patterns, and noted that tomography of the participants' brains showed a 30% decrease in their brain activity related to deep sleep when the moon was full.

They also noted that when the moon was full, the participants needed an extra 5 minutes to fall asleep, and they slept 20 minutes less compared to the amount they slept on other days of the month, and their sleep was light.

However, the current scientific data is inconclusive, and it is not entirely clear whether the moon actually affects sleep.

Lack of sleep damages the brain

Foods to eat for a good night's sleep

Turkish Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan said that insomnia and not sleeping enough hours at night leads to low energy during the day, and if this situation continues for a long time, a person may develop many diseases, and if you suffer from sleep problems or feel that you do not get good sleep, you can Exclude this problem by feeding.

Here are the foods that help improve sleep quality:


Turkey meat

chamomile tea

Kiwi fruit

Fatty fish such as salmon



Milk and dairy products

the banana


What does open mouth mean during sleep?

Are you one of those people who fall into a deep sleep with their mouths open? This may indicate a health problem.

Writer Valeria Sabatier says in a report published in the Spanish magazine "Lamenteesmaravillosa" that sleeping with an open mouth is usually a subject of slander and banter between friends and family members, as a picture of the sleeping person is taken in this way at night or at nap time.

According to doctors, this issue is not just a joke, and attention should be paid to young children who may suffer from a health condition that forces them to sleep with an open mouth continuously, because this may have serious health consequences.

The writer points out that one of the risks associated with sleeping with the mouth open is sleep apnea, also when the mouth is open, the chances of snoring increase.

The writer warns that family members and friends should not joke about this topic or belittle it, as the quality of breathing is directly reflected on the health of the person in general.

Lack of sleep damages the brain

Among the problems that increase the risk during sleep with the mouth open:

Increased risk of tooth decay

Pharyngitis and itchy throat


And if you sleep with your mouth open all night and breathe through your mouth, you should go to the doctor, who will give you advice or the necessary treatment, after ruling out possible respiratory problems.

Sleeping on hot summer nights

Dr. Mukhtar Fatih Bey Deli, Pediatrician and Director of the International Department at Medical Park Hospital, Izmir University of Economics said; "With the advent of summer and the continuation of record heat waves in many regions of the world, many people suffer from the problem of difficulty sleeping, as the hot weather does not only cause sweating but also deprives sleep at night."

Be Daily added - in statements to Anadolu Agency - that "a person stays in his bed turning left and right throughout the night, and in the morning he wakes up tired and exhausted due to his inability to sleep due to the heat, and this is one of the main factors that cause insomnia, which leads to fatigue and weak physical activity." During the day, difficulty concentrating and feel sleepy.

He continued, "All global research indicates that it is difficult for a person to enjoy a good night's sleep at a temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius, so temperatures must be close to 20 degrees Celsius in order to enjoy a comfortable and quiet sleep during the night."

Lack of sleep damages the brain

Here are the health measures recommended by Dr. B. Daily to get a restful sleep:

1- Getting ready for bed in the morning

By opening the bedroom windows and doors and ventilating them well, so that the cool morning air fills all parts of the room, and during the day, all room windows must be closed to blackout using curtains that prevent the entry of hot sunlight into the room, and in the evening the windows can be reopened with lower temperatures to enter the air.

2- Set a time to sleep and go to bed

To eliminate sleep problems in the summer, a fixed date must be set to go to bed daily, as changing sleep schedules due to holidays and staying up late leads to an imbalance in the biological clock responsible for adjusting sleep and wake times.

3- Exposure to sunlight in the morning

Exposure to sunlight in the morning contributes to improving the vital functions of the body during the day and helps treat sleep disorders on hot summer nights.

4- A warm bath

A warm bath and not completely drying the body before going to bed contributes to removing the traces of sweat that accumulate during the day, and helps in relaxation and quiet sleep, and taking a bath with very cold water stimulates blood circulation, which increases the body's production of heat.

5- Wear light clothes

This helps to relax down to sleep, and it is recommended to use light sheets and fabrics made of natural cotton fibers in sleepwear and covers.

6- Eat light meals

Eating heavy meals saturated with fat is enough to deprive a person of sleep through the night, and this causes fatigue and indigestion in the digestive system throughout the night.

7- Avoid caffeine at night

Excessive intake of tea and coffee leads to a feeling of insomnia, and it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters of water throughout the day.

Lack of sleep damages the brain

8- Do light exercise

Light exercise is one of the good activities to help you sleep peacefully and relieve insomnia, such as riding a bike for half an hour early in the evening, or walking, while avoiding heavy sports because it raises the body temperature and increases the energy level, making deep sleep more difficult.

According to studies, people who do aerobic exercise 4 times a week sleep better.

9- Reduce exposure to electronic devices

It is recommended to stay away from mobile phones, computers, and TV, especially before bed, while maintaining an appropriate distance from the screen while watching TV to get a quiet sleep away from noise and heat.

10- Not put the cover on the feet while sleeping

Leaving one or both feet uncovered while sleeping in high temperatures at night contributes to the body reaching an ideal temperature.

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