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March 2022

Tips to get rid of lethargy and fatigue during the day in Ramadan

With the beginning of fasting days, tips to get rid of lethargy and fatigue during the day of Ramadan A few days and the days of blessing and forgi…

An ideal food to maintain normal blood pressure

Ideal food to maintain normal blood pressure In an interview with the Russian RIA Novosti news agency, the expert points out that spinach has many be…

E-cigarettes .. Do they threaten heart health?

Medical questions about E-cigarettes harm   Since smoking is so bad for the heart, some smokers have hoped that e-cigarettes might provide a heart-he…

How does cycling help lose weight faster?

How does cycling help lose weight faster? You can make fitness easy and fun, where you can start your fitness journey with simple exercises such as c…

Magnesium deficiency treatment with food

Magnesium deficiency treatment with food Magnesium is an important mineral for a healthy body, as it helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels, …

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases

One glass of orange juice a day protects against 7 diseases A scientific study revealed that drinking one glass of orange juice can reduce the risk o…

Eight benefits of persimmons

Are you a fan of the persimmon fruit, or known to some as the pheromone? Do you know what are the benefits of persimmon? Learn about this and more …

To lose weight.. Unconventional ways to help you get rid of obesity

To lose weight.. Unconventional ways to help you get rid of obesity When trying to lose weight, people often come across many different tips from fol…

Magical health and healing benefits of pine

Magical health and healing benefits of pine Among the most prominent of these health and therapeutic benefits, it helps reduce appetite, which direct…

How long should you fast before the blood test?

How long should you fast before the blood test? According to very well health, most blood tests do not require fasting, but some common tests require…

Benefits of figs and olives

Figs are delicious seasonal summer fruits, and figs are the main fruit of a tree named after its fruit, and it is one of the fast-fruiting trees, as …

Beans are the best healthy food to lose weight and fight infections

Beans are the best healthy food to lose weight and fight infections We often hear about unhealthy foods to avoid, such as fast food, processed good…

Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up

Harmful effects of processed meat that force you to give it up Processed meat is meat that has been processed and manufactured by adding some carcino…

Foods that are forbidden on an empty stomach

10 foods and drinks that should not be taken on an empty stomach Some of us feel pain and health problems, without knowing that the reason is eating …
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