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Benefits of figs and olives

Full report Benefits of figs and olives
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Benefits of figs and olives

Figs are delicious seasonal summer fruits, and figs are the main fruit of a tree named after its fruit, and it is one of the fast-fruiting trees, as it needs a period ranging from three to six years to start production, which is a short period if compared to the period needed by the olive tree for fruiting. The latter belongs to the olive family, which is characterized by its oily fruits and evergreen trees. The fig and olive trees are considered perennial trees rooted in history, they are known since ancient times and in most civilizations, and if the fruit of the fig tree is in the summer, the fruiting of the olive tree is at the end of the autumn season, with the beginnings of entering the winter season.


Benefits of figs and olives

The association of figs and olives in the Qur’anic text with a divine oath, about the greatness of these two fruits, and their many benefits for human health.

The Almighty said, “By the fig and the olive, And [by] Mount Sinai, And [by] this secure city [Makkah]” (Surat Al-Tin, 1-3).

* Giving the body the energy and activity that enables it to complete its daily duties without fatigue or laziness, and the reason for this is the substance methalonidose in figs, and you need to activate mixing figs with olives, or olive oil, which makes them the ideal meal to start the day with.

Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood, maintains the health and safety of the heart and blood vessels, and prevents it from developing cardiovascular diseases.

* Strengthening the sexual desire of men and increasing their fertility, by increasing the number of sperm and improving its quality, and in other times, figs with olives are solutions to some sexual problems in men such as early ejaculation.

Reducing the effect of oxidative stress on cells, as both figs and olives contain antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cell damage, increase the risk of cancer, and early wrinkles on the skin, thus reducing the risk of developing types of cancer, and delaying skin aging.


Activating the movement of the intestines, and stimulating the movement of its vermiform muscles responsible for the expulsion of solid waste outside the body, in addition to the acquisition of solid waste while in the large intestine the necessary softness that makes the process of defecation easy and does not need to strain; Therefore, it is advised for those who suffer from laziness in bowel movement, or severe and chronic constipation, to eat figs and olives together on an empty stomach, and replace them with breakfast to prevent constipation and treat hemorrhoids.


A feeling of fullness and satiety for a long time, because both figs and olives contain slow-digesting dietary fibers, which stay in the stomach for a long time, which means reducing the feeling of hunger, and reducing food demand, which is recommended for those who want to lose weight, but with moderation in eating them; Because figs contain a high percentage of sugars, a lot of them leads to an undesirable adverse result.


Strengthening the bone structure and improving its density, because both figs and olives contain high levels of calcium, which is necessary for bone health.

 Controlling blood sugar levels, because figs contain stimulating properties for pancreatic cells and stimulate them to secrete the hormone insulin, which increases the cells’ ability to absorb sugar from the blood, thus reducing its accumulation in the blood, while olives contain polyphenols and oleic acid which are necessary to prevent infection. With type 2 diabetes, with an emphasis on eating them in moderation for diabetics without excessive or exaggerated.


The nutritional value of figs and olives

The nutritional value of figs

Figs contain calories that provide the body with energy and vitality, in addition to its richness in dietary fibers necessary for the health of the digestive system, and it contains a good proportion of carbohydrates, along with a variety of necessary and important minerals for the body such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and zinc. copper, sodium, a small percentage of protein and less of it from fat, and we do not forget to mention the vitamins contained in figs; Such as A, C, D, B12, B6, and zero cholesterol.

 olive nutritional value

Olives contain more calories than figs and are similar to dietary fiber and important minerals for the body; such as iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and many vitamins; Such as beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, a good amount of water, an approximate proportion of the protein found in figs, and the antioxidants in both.


How to eat figs and olives together

The best way to gather figs and olives together in one meal is to soak a few dried figs, with a sufficient amount of olive oil that contains the same nutritional properties as olive fruits, so that the amount of olive oil is sufficient to completely submerge the figs, and leave it all night, no less For twelve hours of soaking, and the next morning, figs saturated with olive oil and its nutritional properties are eaten on an empty stomach.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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