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February 2023

Healthy food rules for eating proteins

Healthy food rules for eating proteins Eating a balanced diet is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Among the macronutrients, protein is one…

6 benefits of drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach

6 benefits of drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach has been a popular health trend for years. The practi…

8 foods that help you quit smoking

8 foods that help you quit smoking  While there is no specific food that can guarantee to help you quit smoking, incorporating certain foods in your …

What happens to your body when you skip breakfast for a month?

What happens to your body when you skip breakfast for a month? The saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" has been arou…

Drinks and juices that stimulate the mind and enhance memory

Drinks and juices that stimulate the mind and enhance memory There are several drinks and juices that can stimulate the mind and enhance memory. Some…

The benefits of dried plum for strengthening bones and more

The benefits of dried plum for strengthening bones and preventing arthritis and osteoporosis Maintaining strong and healthy bones is one of the esse…

Protect your colon from cancer

Protect your colon from cancer Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the large intestine (colon) and the …
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