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7 mistakes in diet that threaten the process of burning body fat

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7 mistakes in diet that threaten the process of burning body fat

 7 mistakes in diet that threaten the process of burning body fat

 We may make some mistakes in the diet, which hinders the process of burning fat in the body.

 From the nutritionist and public health specialist, Lana Al-Zaila, we learn about these errors in the diet:

Sleeping for a few hours

1. Sleeping for a few hours: The few hours of sleep are responsible for gaining weight, as it reduces the rate of burning calories, and causes difficulty in controlling the appetite for fatty and sugary foods, to face an increase in the levels of the hormone “cortisol”, which is responsible for storing fat.


2. Stress: Not only does stress cause headaches, stomach and chest pains, high blood pressure, and sleep disturbances, but it is also responsible for slowing metabolism, raising cortisol levels in the blood, and increasing fat absorption, which translates into a decrease in fat metabolism.

Excessive coffee drinking

3. Excessive coffee drinking: Studies show that caffeine boosts metabolism. However, excessive intake of caffeinated foods and drinks causes the opposite, and it also loses the appetite for food, if it is constantly consumed so that a person does not realize that he is hungry until he sees food.

When eating, instead of using it immediately as energy, the body stores it for fear of being deprived again.

Stay away from eating “clean” food

4. Stay away from eating “clean” food: Reducing exposure to food toxins, sugars, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods helps maintain metabolism.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat organic foods, grass-fed beef, eggs, and organic dairy products.

Note that pesticides affect the body's burning process as well.

Eating unhealthy snacks

5. Eating unhealthy snacks: It is recommended to choose healthy low-calorie foods, such as varieties prepared from whole grains.

In this context, research indicates that good fats, especially available in avocados, raw nuts, and coconut oil, can enhance the activity of some genes that control fat burning and increase metabolism.

Eating rationing

6. Eating rationing: When the body is not nourished enough, the metabolic level decreases, and the latter slows down so that the body retains the remaining energy.

Sitting for long periods

7. Sitting for long periods: People sleep between 5 and 8 hours a day, and spend another 7 to 10 hours sitting in offices, meaning that the majority of the time spends in idleness without doing physical activity!.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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