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the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Abdominal obesity ... the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen ...!!
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the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Abdominal obesity ... the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen ...!!!!

Abdominal obesity...

Although most fat accumulates on the buttocks and thighs, studies indicate that the fat accumulated on the abdomen is the most dangerous, as it leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome, and heart disease, and for this scientists believe that increasing the width of the waist can To be a primary indicator of the presence of underlying health problems.

Studies confirm that inflammation of gallstones is more frequent in obese people, especially women with repeated pregnancies, and in people with “rumen” as a result of an increase in estrogen, a hormone that helps to increase cholesterol in the blood, which leads to its deposition on the wall of the gallbladder, and this causes Inflammation and the formation of gallstones.

In individuals with "rumen", fat accumulates on the rib cage and under the diaphragm and septum, and this hinders the expansion of the movement of the lungs, and reduces the movement of the diaphragm, thus reducing the amount of air they get.

Some researchers have proven that there is a relationship between obesity, especially abdominal obesity, and infertility in women. It was found that there is an increase in the accumulation of fat around the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which affects the process of ovulation and childbearing.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Find out why

The problem of fat gathering around the abdomen or rumen area, it is due either to genetic reasons, an organic defect or wrong behavior, and we will start with those practices that lead to stomach swelling and its prominence, including:

1 - Excessive eating of food rich in fat and calories.

Colon disease and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.

2 - Swallowing air while eating as a result of eating quickly

3- Smoking of all kinds.

4- Eat a heavy meal at the end of the day.

5- Sleeping after eating.

6 - Excessive consumption of legumes that cause bloating.

7- Not exercising regularly.

8- Laziness, lethargy, lack of movement and sleep, especially after meals and especially dinner.

9 - Not following healthy diets during pregnancy.

It is known that the percentage of fat in a woman’s body is twice the fat in a man’s body, and this fat is what causes the rumen, as it forms near the liver and the digestive system and spreads in the abdominal veins due to the effect of the hormone insulin, which increases blood sugar and turns into fat, especially with the increase in wrong habits in the body. Eating and gifting sweets and chocolate, bearing in mind that the more luxurious the type, the higher the calories.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Types of abdominal obesity

Abdominal obesity is divided into four types:

The first type: is the muscular rumen:

This problem occurs in the abdominal muscles, and it is formed as a result of the imbalance in the owner’s use of his locomotor device, for example, he uses the muscles of the shoulders and arms only during work, and his middle does not move while sitting at the desk all day or in front of the steering wheel.

The second type: is the flabby rumen:

It occurs as a result of using only two muscles in the middle of the abdomen, and the result is sagging and the appearance of the rumen. Fat and obesity lead to the appearance of the rumen in a flabby form with folds in the skin in the form of layers sometimes.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

The third type: is the swollen rumen:

It is a rumen that resembles a balloon, and it occurs as a result of a person’s excessive consumption of food and drink in excess of the body’s needs.

This excessive eating occurs as a result of a person suffering from depression, anxiety or nervous tension, so the person finds eating greedily an outlet and an attempt to get out of these worries that cause him this tension and anxiety. He eats large amounts of food and drinks until obesity occurs and thus the rumen appears.

The fourth type: is the hormonal rumen:

It is noted that the shape of this rumen is zigzag and resembles an orange peel, and it occurs when the work of hormones within the human body is disturbed.

The secretion of cortisone increases and the distribution of fat by the suprarenal gland is disturbed in different areas and parts of the body, which leads to an increase in fat in the abdominal area only in men. As for women, fat often accumulates in the lower part of the abdomen.

It is accompanied by obesity in the thighs and buttocks, and this obesity takes irregular forms in these parts.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Lies... they said it would get you rid of the rumen

= Sauna and steam baths get rid of the rumen within hours

Sauna or steam baths do not have an effective role in treating the rumen or losing weight, and what happens in it is that the fat person with the rumen loses one kilo of

He lost two of his body fluids through sweat and not from fat loss, and as soon as he finished this bath, he accepted to drink water a lot to replace the water lost by the body, so he regains his original weight again. These baths may lead to some complications, such as kidney stones or coronary clots.

= The process of massage and massage dissolves rumen fat

The process of massage or massage eliminates the rumen of the masseuse himself, he is the one who makes an effort, but you do not lose any gram of fat from your rumen, you do not make any movement or effort in the process of massage.

= Using the vibrating belt or abdominal belt to get rid of rumen fat

There are many advertisements for abdominal belts claiming that they dissolve fat, and that they reduce the rumen clearly within days, and all this has no scientific basis, and most slimming experts warn against using these belts in the process of slimming the rumen, and consider it a major lie, and confirm that these belts have no effect in Getting rid of the rumen, but it has been proven that these belts have side effects on the respiratory and digestive systems and may eventually lead to muscle atrophy.

= Drinking water before bed leads to the rumen

Water has no caloric value, and eating it in any quantity does not lead to the appearance of the rumen, whether on an empty stomach or before bed. On the contrary, eating a lot of water before eating reduces appetite and reduces the amount of food eaten, thus helping to get rid of the rumen.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

= Using laxatives and paraffin oil will help you get rid of rumen obesity

These laxative medicines or paraffin oil do not have any role in getting rid of obesity or from the rumen, and what these medicines do is that they cause diarrhea, so the body loses a large part of water and important nutrients, which reduces body weight, so the person thinks that his weight has decreased, but it is a false weight loss. He quickly returns to his original weight as soon as he drinks water. In fact, these laxatives have many complications, as they lose body fluids, which eventually leads to dehydration, and leads to malabsorption.

= Using a special soap to treat rumen and obesity

Myth.. and all this soap does is that during the shower the body loses quantities of water and loses weight temporarily, but soon the person feels thirsty and drinks large quantities of water, and the weight returns again to increase, and many specialists have warned against using this soap, especially for people with diseases Heart and circulatory system

To get rid of belly fat

The best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen are:

First: It is obligatory to constantly perform the prayer, during which a person can burn at least 580 calories, for God Almighty and our Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not command us with commands that do not contain what benefits humans from a spiritual and health point of view.

Second: To start immediately by changing and replacing bad eating habits with new, sound, and correct habits that depend on the integration of the basic nutritional pillars that build the human body such as sugars, proteins, and starches, as well as in eating fats, not preventing them, and eating dietary fibers at a rate of no less than 40-60% of the meal.

Third: Take care and take care of:

1 - Eating "grapefruit" before eating reduces your sense of hunger.

2 - Start your food by eating green salads to which two tablespoons of vinegar are added to give you a sense of satiety for a long time.

3 - Be sure to eat foods rich in fiber, as they take longer to chew, which reduces the feeling of hunger and relieves constipation.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

4 - Reduce the amount of salt in eating, because its abundance prevents the expulsion of excess fluids in the body, which increases the circumference of your waist, knowing that the body does not need more than one teaspoon of salt per day (4 grams).

5- Eating yogurt 3 times a week achieves good results and contributes to reducing the “rumen” because it contains the bacteria “Lactobacillus acidophilus” that leads to the fermentation of milk, and it also contains the “lactase” enzyme that digests the sugar “lactose” found in milk, an enzyme that It is lost by 85% of mature people, especially in Arab and African peoples, and its deficiency causes indigestion, intestinal disorders and bloating.

The study also indicated that yogurt increases the body's ability to burn excess fat, making it lose these fats and retain muscle.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

One of the most popular diet programs to remove belly fat

the breakfast :

2 different fruits (except figs, grapes, dates, bananas, and mangoes), preferably a cup of orange or grapefruit juice + liquids: tea, coffee, soda, or lemon water without sugar.

the lunch :

A green salad platter.

- 4 tablespoons of boiled vegetables.

- A grilled steak or a quarter of a boiled chicken or 2 grilled fish or a can of tuna "without oil".


Yogurt with cucumber, 3 tablespoons of beans with lemon, or a boiled egg, or a piece of cheese with tomatoes.

With a slice of toast or a quarter of a loaf.

the best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen

Fourth: Drink three glasses of water before the main meals, as it fills the stomach and reduces food intake, and has no calories. Do not drink cold liquids with or immediately after food

Fifthly: It is recommended to wear a belt around the abdomen to reduce the size of the stomach (banding from the outside instead of the process of gastric banding) and to do exercises to tighten the abdomen and strengthen the back, in addition to paying attention to tightening the body and maintaining the shape of the body.

Sixth: Eat slowly for more than twenty minutes. You will feel full quickly without filling your stomach with a lot of food because fast eating fills the stomach with a lot of food before feeling full.

Seventh: You must commit to exercising, as it is possible that the abdominal muscles are weak and need to be strengthened. In this regard, the use of household appliances can achieve tremendous results. In addition to walking, walking every 10 kilometers helps to burn 800 calories. Through sports, you can eliminate the rumen completely.

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