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The harm of abdominal obesity in men

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The harm of abdominal obesity in men

The harm of abdominal obesity in men

If you are carrying a number of extra kilos on your body, whether in the form of a belly, large buttocks, and around the middle of the body, then you are not alone. The number of people with obesity and overweight has increased dramatically in recent years, a third of the American people are either overweight or obese, but in this case, it is dangerous to follow the majority. Excess weight, especially around the stomach and waist, causes great health risks. While women carry extra weight in the buttocks and legs, men tend to gain weight in the stomach and midsection.

The following are some important questions about excess fat around the stomach and the importance of getting rid of it, especially in men.

The importance of getting rid of stomach fat:

Although the association between stomach fat and public health risks is not entirely clear, scientists and researchers are fully convinced that people who suffer from this type of fatty accumulation are more likely to have health problems than others who have fatty accumulations elsewhere in the body. Scientists say, according to many types of research, that men are more likely to accumulate fat around the stomach than women.

The human body is designed to store fat in a specific way in order to excrete it at times when there is not enough food. But when an individual gains weight and does not go through such times, the fat cells begin to secrete more fatty particles into the blood than normal. This affects the sweating process and the way the body uses insulin. These changes may affect or increase your exposure to various health problems, including:


some types of cancer


Difficulty breathing during sleep.

Declining levels of good cholesterol.

Insulin resistance.

The harm of abdominal obesity in men

When an individual can get rid of fat through exercise and proper diet, the sweating process continues properly. This reduces the risk of many health problems and may improve an individual's health.

The role of exercise in getting rid of stomach fat:

In order to get rid of excess weight and continue to get rid of it, you must exercise continuously and properly. This means doing something active most days of the week. Most people need at least thirty minutes of exercise each day in order to be healthy. But to get rid of fat, you may need more time than exercise.

Fitness exercises such as cycling, swimming, and exercises that increase your heart rate and breathing are the best exercises for burning fat.

The harm of abdominal obesity in men

One of the best ways to do proper exercises is to walk daily and use a pedometer - a simple device to measure the number of steps - and for most men, walking ten thousand steps a day in addition to eating properly is a sufficient regimen to maintain good health. Men who are overweight must walk long distances, and any individual can follow a gradual system of exercise or walk, and once the excess weight is eliminated, the individual must do any amount of exercise in order to maintain his normal weight

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