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Nutritional value in carob

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Nutritional value in carob

Nutritional value in carob

The nutritional value of carob is high because it contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants, low amounts of fat and sugar, and is free of caffeine and gluten. Carob is naturally sweet, and it helps satisfy sugar cravings.

Nutritional value in carob

The carob trees have their origins in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East, but the trees are now found in most parts of the world. The fruits are long, leathery, brown pods with sweet, edible pulp and seeds. Carob has its own unique flavor and some liken it to chocolate. But unlike it, it is a natural sweetener free of caffeine and gluten, in addition to antioxidants.

Nutritional value in carob

Carob uses

Traditionally, carob and its products have been a part of the cuisine in the Middle East and Africa for several years. In Egypt, they drink carob juice, which is rich in antioxidants, during the holy month of Ramadan. In Lebanon, carob molasses is a staple food and is used in bread. Molasses can also be mixed with tahini to make a delicious dish, tahini molasses, which can be added to toast.

Carob products became popular as alternatives to sugar when the health movement swept America and Europe in the 1970s. Carob powder or flour made from roasted pods has been marketed as caffeine- and theobromine-free alternative to cocoa. Other products that appeared were carob chocolate, carob cakes, and carob chips. While the carob lacks bitterness and deep chocolate flavor, it has a sweet and nutty taste. It is also naturally gluten-free; Therefore, it is increasingly used to make gluten-free baked products.

Nutritional value in carob

The health benefits of carob are mainly due to the important content of dietary fiber, polyphenols, and amino acids. It is also a good source of calcium, containing more than 300 mg in 100 grams of carob flour. This is equivalent to the amount of calcium in a cup of cow's milk. Other minerals found in it include potassium and iron.

One cup of carob flour (103 grams) contains 229 calories. It contains 50.6 grams of sugar which are equivalent to 4 tablespoons of regular sugar, contains 41 grams of total dietary fiber, and 91.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Nutritional value in carob

natural local carob

Carob is a natural and healthy alternative to processed sugar. 100 grams of carob chips contain 34 grams of sugar compared to 100 grams of brand-name chocolate chips, which contain 66.67 grams of sugar.

Caffeine free

Some people may be sensitive to the caffeine and theobromine in chocolate. Excessive caffeine intake causes anxiety, insomnia, stress, as well as headaches. Carob can be used instead as it contains neither caffeine nor theobromine.

Nutritional value in carob

Carob is gluten-free

Gluten is a group of proteins found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye that help bread and baked goods give them their sticky elasticity. People with celiac disease or who have sensitive digestive systems can't eat gluten. Gluten-free carob flour is used to make bread, cake, and desserts. Many of the gluten-free products on the market also use carob extract and its products.

Low-fat carob

Carob is low in fat and is used in the manufacture of low-fat food products. Carob gum is used in low-fat yogurt and the powder is used in the manufacture of chocolate and sweets.

Nutritional value in carob

Carob benefits

Adding carob to your diet can provide you with many health benefits. Since carob is naturally high in fiber and does not contain caffeine, it is ideal for people with high blood pressure. The low sugar and fat content also make it a great nutritional addition or alternative to chocolate for people looking to lose weight. High levels of vitamins, such as vitamins A and B-2, are good for your skin and eye health. Adding carob to your diet can also help:

  • Lowering cholesterol in the blood
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Reducing stomach problems
  • Diarrhea treatment
  • Carob damage

Carob is LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken in portions with food or as medicine. Some people are allergic to carob.

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